Danny (awww) sent in this photo (which is a fraction of the work he’s done on her) of a piece he did on his friend, Meg Morano.
As a point of trivia, she’s a band manager for the Vans Warped Tour and travels from California to New York every couple of months to have work done by him.
Apparently there’s quite a “lot of story” behind her tattos, which I’m sure we’d all love to hear!

Think you recognize the style? You probably do!
i love this. i really like the way it fits on her body. ugh, im jealous.
i love this. i really like the way it fits on her body. ugh, im jealous.
i LOVE exploding dog! YAY!
i LOVE exploding dog! YAY!
This green is nice!
This green is nice!
Wow! Sweet. Everything about this makes me happy. I want to see more of the arm.
Wow! Sweet. Everything about this makes me happy. I want to see more of the arm.
This is freeking cute. And I’m digging the blue scrolls on her arm.
This is freeking cute. And I’m digging the blue scrolls on her arm.
haha cute.
haha cute.
Yay explodingdog!
Yay explodingdog!
really great tat
really great tat
That’s enough to make me want to get a “Where did all the rainbows go” tattoo.
That’s enough to make me want to get a “Where did all the rainbows go” tattoo.
The colour work is amazing. I’m a big fan.
The colour work is amazing. I’m a big fan.
wow, that is impressive, the color is so vivid
wow, that is impressive, the color is so vivid