Felipe relaxing with his feline sidekick, Tobias.
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21 thoughts on “Kittie Love”
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Oh my fuck that’s cute. Kitties and tatts ftw.
cute indeed
Awwwww that’s so sweet. Nice colour work!
dis is ma hooman, get ur own!
kitties against butt cleavage AKA asscrack
the kittys cute but i love the tattoo!
Awww that is adorable, gorgeous tattoo too
Is that like, one of those church stained glass windows? Really looks like it. I love the color, and the cat (=
Awe,look at that handsome lad!! I have an orange tabby named Tobias as well!!
My cat does that to me when I’m lying down, too. Dogs have owners, cats have… furniture.
too cute
#10 – Oh so true!
Felipe? is that a guy?
I almost started crying when I saw this. I used to have a red point who looked just like this. Is he an insanely affectionate cat who thinks he’s a human? All the redpoints that I’ve ever owned have!
I’z on yer butt, gardin yer tattoos.
this post made my day!
I haz tattooed bed ?
Tobias from hell!!!
Beautiful color work!!! Nice Redpoint kitty!!
I wish he was named after Tobias on Arrested Development..
Looks like a flame point siamese kitteh. Mine has a bad habit of doing this too. =]