When I first opened up this photo, I couldn’t tell if it was a tattoo or a scarification because it looks like there is barely any scaring at all. Ryan Ouelette, who spends his free time addicted to video games, can be found at Precision Body Arts in Nashua, NH.
See more in “Misc. Cuttings“ (Scarification)
i like the fact it isn’t “in your face” its simple and understated
I like the fact it is simple and understated…just like Ryan Ouelette
I would be way to freaked out to get scarification on my neck. One unlucky twitch and you get a slice to the jugular. I have an irrational fear of necks being slit though. Ugh, just seeing someone shaving with a straight razor makes me want to crawl out of my skin.
The scarification is beautiful though.
this is so pretty!
iam not a fan of scarifaction but it does look awesome i like when scarifactioon heals nicely like this not like a tragic accident but nicely and so bumpa
Ugh… “it looks like THEIR is barely any scarring at all”?! Really… at least take the time to edit your posts before you submit them, Rachel….
As for the scarification, I like the subtlety.
I really like the way it healed, its so soft and subtle.
OMG blah blah blah. I made a spelling mistake! OH NO!
LOL blame it on the fact it was a friday Rachel!
That is lovely. Wow.
Ryan did that piece at the Philly tattoo convention; his booth was touching yours when he worked on it
See, the funny thing about editor-in-cheifs… They, more often than not, do NOT make grammatical errors. You spelled “their” perfectly fine. “Their” just happens to be the wrong word. Wow. I miss Jordan.
Oh dear. Is that meant to be a trick response to the editor-in-CHEIF?
This is so delicate and beautiful. It looks very natural.
I absolutely love ryan oulette, he is fuckin awsome
I agree, that is gorgeous. I don’t think it would look nearly that good if it was keloided in such an area.
im not sure if people are just on the bandwagon here,
but i think the placement is poor, the piece lacks depth, and its very difficult to make out the subject matter between a pinwheel and a flower.
sometimes artists drop the ball, and personally, i think this is one of those times
Touché, Lenses… Although it is not my job to submit articles for all to see. I figured that Modblog would choose someone a little more capable… Someone who is grammatically sound at the very least. Quite possibly someone with a little bit of wit. Maybe that’s asking too much.
Thanks for sharing the link – however unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody have a mirror or another source?
I like how suttle it seems compared to other scars. lovely.