What a beautiful morning. There definitely isn’t going to be any snow this Christmas here in Los Angeles but that’s one of the main reasons I live here. I’m going to be in and out over the next couple of weeks so please understand that while you’re on vacation from school or work, that we here at BME are putting the final touches on the new BME so that we can launch it around the second week of January. Modblog is going to have to take a back seat for a couple weeks while we plod ahead with that. It’s almost two years in the making and I hope it’s worth the wait.
I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has continued to support BME. The community is really about you guys and it is what makes this place so great. I’d also like to thank the new contributors I’ve had helping me keep up and especially thank Sean and Jen for their help with Modblog. I’ve enjoyed reading their posts and I hope you have too.
Before you click through, make that guess. Don’t forget that you’ve only got a couple more days to try to catch up to KitanoKaryuudo who has submitted 45,670 images this year. Check out the leaderboards to see where you are at. The top 20 contributors in each section will be getting awards!
See more in “Female Torture Play“ (members only)
Another reason why vaginas scare me haha.
damn, this is cool. owie, though, huh?
I knew it, Vagina Dentata is real. *shiver*
OK – what is it ?
Almost 46,000 images from one person is over 130 images every single day!!!! How is that possible? That gallery must have tons and tons and tons and tons of repeats and pictures of the same thing over and over? Seems like cheating. I haven’t seen their gallery but I can not believe that this is for real. Or is that a math error or an extra zero somewhere? Even 4,600 images from one person seems hard to believe.
The new Modblog people are doing great. But don’t forget about Lillian!!! She is super!
I guessed right! My labia hurt now though.
I second Possessed! Lord that looks so uncomfortable!
even though I don’t
have a vag, may I add an ” ow”?
I’m confused. are those the leaderboards for 2008 or 2009?
wow. it wasnt a penis. are we sure this is still modblog?
never got a reward last year
Confused: She has her own bonus gallery so she is allowed to post whatever she wants in there. Hence the crazy amount of images.
quinn: Those are the 2009 leader boards, I just never got around to changing the graphic.
a prickly fanny
“enter at own’s risk?” lol
i like VAGINA and i like her cunt
ohhh i want to eat that pussy!!!! after taking the needles out. thats lovely