The ball in Times Square is about to drop and Tim’s balls look like they are about to explode!
Whether you celebrate tonight by ingesting alcohol or injecting saline (or neither) have a safe, fun night and a great start to 2010. I hope to continue entertaining, educating, challenging and disturbing modblog readers throughout 2010. Here’s a sampling of what I have in store for 2010:
-An in depth look into the life of BME’s punk rock anti-hero perk900.
-Lots more From The Vault features.
-Interviews with some of the most fascinating people on BME who most would never hear of otherwise. I really want to get one with Tiger shark man a true man of the sea, who lives on a boat and has filed his own teeth down to be more shark like.
-I will continue to use words like “taint” just so Ian McKown will continue to have something to bitch about.
-And of course, plenty of sexy women, modified genitals and tattoos that make you go “hmmmm”.
Obviously, you can see the non-censored picture from Tim’s BME Hard bonus gallery by simply clicking through.
You and your wife were just sitting on my lap. Thank you for not kissing me Sean. Your pool table still sucks and you promised if I came over there would be women here. Wtf.
Dear God, why?
thanks for the press.
“I will continue to use words like “taint” just so Ian McKown will continue to have something to bitch about.”
hahaha brilliance, that made me chuckle even with the worst hangover ever.
Thank you modblog. Happy new year everyone.
I want to kick that soccer ball
Look out! She’s gonna blow!!!
That table is going to do with a polish.
sean, i love you hahaha
Its funny how saline injected sacks get smoothed out…although this appears to be an older man his scrotum looks younger than my 23 year old one. Except huge. heh.
Is this stuff just for fun or is there any point otherwise (pleasure…maybe visual for the injectee?) to saline injection of z balls?
Well dammit. I wanted to learn about tiger shark man and the link won’t work. *pout*
The link should work, it does for me. It goes to his IAM page if you are not a member you may not be able to view it depending on his privacy settings. I messaged him about an interview a few weeks back, but from what I read he lives on the sea and isn’t online much so who knows when or if he will get back to me.