It’s been a little while since we’ve had a Guess What post, and what better way to bring them back than with a banana!
You know the drill. Make a guess, then click the “read more” button to see if you were right.
So? Where do you think that banana is?
10 points if you guessed transscrotal, 25 if you guessed it belonged to Lucass. An extra 10 if you knew that it was Brian who gave him the transcrotal, and a bonus 10 if you knew that it was Dallas from Nathans Anthems in Redding, CA that pierced his apadravya.
It appears Lucass is starting to get a little creative with the things he tries to fit in his transscrotal. You can see what else he’s been putting in there in the transscrotal gallery.
Oh. My. God.
0 points for me unfortunately ): I guessed it had something to do with male genitalia, but that’s not quite what I had in mind…
That is awesome. I’m going to have to start stretching mine. He’s already got banannas covered. So I’m probably going to have to go apples. lol
Well I guessed scrotal… Can I at least claim 5 points? lol
Hey, at least I got 10 points.
wow thats quite interesting. does this mean there will be a return on the guess what posts? always enjoyed reading them
10 points for me.
Wow, I was way off. Thanks for posting a guess what, Rob! I was waiting for one!
ummm woah.
Nailed it!
I’m so glad that was a banana and not something else.
Is he still going to eat. One must not waste.
Ha! I got it. But only because i have a trannscrotal and know the drill. word: manscaping.
that banana looks perfect for making banana cake.
Woohoo 55 points for me!!!!
I was right ! easy
GO Dallas!!
I seriously thought it’d be a stretched ear.
oh god
Is their a way to do this and keep my balls?