Hey guys and gals, it’s time for this week’s edition of the Friday Follow-up. This time around we’ve got a lily cutting done by IAM:kcir.
To see the healed version, you know what to do.
Now there wasn’t a time frame given between the photos, but I know kcir checks ModBlog so hopefully he’ll be kind enough to give us some idea of how far along into healing this scar is.
um how is that a lotus?
Looks more like lily to me.
thats still healing, im going to guess around a month in. I would like to see it at about the 6 month to a year old mark.
Wow. Don’t know how I let that one slip.
Aaah, Mindy’s garden is so pretty
man, i’m starting to feel kinda good about myself after these modblogs. lol. i actually just posted a year and a half healed pic on my journal a couple days ago. these are lillies, not a lotus, but were every bit as fun to cut.
Not a huge fan of the design… or execution. Even the simple rays are wonky and uneven.