Over the past year we’ve seen quite a few photos from Joey Pang and the rest of the artists from Tattoo Temple in Hong Kong. For the most part their art is either bold Chinese calligraphy, or something traditional. Which is why this photo caught me off guard. I’ve seen some of Joey’s abstract work before, but most of the time it was accompanying some other piece. I think this is the first one I’ve seen that sits apart from other pieces and it is beautiful.
Rob, please do a feature regarding TLC’s “Tattoo School” program that is set to air.
Rob, please do a feature regarding TLC’s “Tattoo School” program that is set to air.
I see a piece like this and immediately try to spot the swasticas.
I see a piece like this and immediately try to spot the swasticas.
Is this tattoo an homage to the amazing geometrical dotwork tattooing coming out of Europe? It’s a great tattoo, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t really compare at all. It comes off as mere imitation.
Is this tattoo an homage to the amazing geometrical dotwork tattooing coming out of Europe? It’s a great tattoo, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t really compare at all. It comes off as mere imitation.
@anthony: Check out the latest news post.. http://news.bmezine.com/2011/07/09/modblog-news-of-the-week-july-9th-2011/
@anthony: Check out the latest news post.. http://news.bmezine.com/2011/07/09/modblog-news-of-the-week-july-9th-2011/