This one just got uploaded to the galleries, so hopefully not many of you have seen this yet.
Once you think you know what it is, read on to see if you’re right.
Why it’s a large gauge nipple piercing…. that happens to be attached to a big metal rod with weights.
A big thanks to Slave Naomi for sending in these and many more photos.
Email your submissions today! Simply send your photos to and they’ll be automatically added to the image galleries.
too easy. it’s obviously a nipple, no other body part has that kind of skin texture..
Very easy, nice try
what the fucking christ
Proud to say I owned this one. =P
is that a tiny metal tea cup?
vwey nice
I meant “very”
omg marry me
Very, very nice
Woohoo, pretty easy, still proud I got it right though!
There is something intensely erotic about this
agree with kiki mae!
Before you start fapping, thats a guy. His name is “Naomin” elsewhere and not Naomi.
All one needs to do is go to Slave Naomi’s BME gallery.