Can you believe the week is almost over? With all the holidays it seems like this week went by really quickly. Of course, with it being Friday, it’s time for another scarification follow-up. This one is a DIY scar created by IAM: Zmashd. Here’s what she had to say about the process:
1 day old on this picture. I did a triangle, as a symbol of support to the LGBT community. I did it on myself (properly. using a #10 scalpel) and I must say I’m quite happy with how it turned out, even though the location was tricky.
It’s been healing well, so far.
And here’s how it’s looking now.
You know, for a first-time DIY scar, it’s looking pretty good. If you’re wondering where the blood is coming from, take a look at the next photo.
You can see more of the scar, as well as the needle play that led to the bleeding over in the blood play gallery.
I <3 the triangle and the placement. The dark raised scar is looking very nice. I’ve thought of doing something very similar but around my navel.
It’s my baby (one of them, anyway) <3
The scar has since grown quite a bit. It’s quite impressive, imo.
One side is a little smaller than the others, but that can be fixed. I’m super happy with it though. :3
femme flagging?