I don’t know about you, but I’m not a victim!

I hate seeing garbage like this flying around on Facebook and Tumblr and so on. There are various variations on it, posting some plainskin trainwreck, and a gorgeous tattooed person, and making a similar comment implying that the tattooed supermodel is an outcast while the orange duckfaced troll is Ms. Popular. I don’t know what crazy country the original poster lives in, but I think if you asked people, 95% would tell you that the person on the left looks horrible and make fun of them. Whereas the tattooed woman is obviously traditionally beautiful, and 95% of people would not “consider them dirt”. Tattoos are ubiquitous, and widely considered attractive when done well, especially on an already conventionally attractive person.

Pictures like this make us look like whiners. Do we really want people to think we have a victim complex? I don’t know about you, but I’m not a victim! If you see things like this, please, do not “like” it. Do not “share” it. Do not perpetuate the myth that tattoos are great way to wreck your life.


And of course that completely ignores the other issue, that of making fun of someone else’s aesthetic decisions now they we are in a position of social power and they are the ones that everyone is pointing at and laughing at…

19 thoughts on “I don’t know about you, but I’m not a victim!

  1. the girl with the ugly color tattoos looks fake and the other girl has some nasty lips.

  2. This is the first time I’ve seen one of these. The sad truth is people with tattoos are still looked down upon by those who don’t have them. I wouldn’t say I’m a victim by any stretch of the means but there are still idiots who can’t accept any type of mod or tattoo. I deal with it a couple times a week but that just goes to show you the close minded people I want nothing to do with in the first place.

  3. When I look at that I just feel sad that people are mocking the person in the image on the left. I mean, the Internet isn’t a place for thin-skinned people whether that skin is plain or modified, but also… I’m not a big fan of pointlessly mocking people, even to make a good point. Did the person on the left put that pic up to be mocked? I know I’d hate it if I posted myself making goofy smoochy faces (at least, I think that’s what’s going on there — if it isn’t I’m thinking perhaps plastic surgery, which would be sadly hilarious, considering the anvilicious point here is “DON’T JUDGE THE MODIFIED”) and suddenly discovered some people calling me stupid or ugly for it.

    (This is, fwiw, part why I generally…. don’t post pictures of myself, goofy faces or no.)

  4. Not a troll. just expressing how I feel. both women look fake. both look like barbie dolls.

  5. 1) tony – Go away. Just go away. Do everyone a favour, and yes, please “boycott” BMEZINE yourself.
    2) I have never seen one of these til now. The only tattooed people meme I have seen doing the rounds is the “What are you going to do with those tattoos when you’re 80″/”I dunno, grow a sweet beard, like these dudes” image. Which makes me wish I could, in fact, grow a sweet beard. Being a lady, that will (hopefully) not happen.

  6. @ Kayla by the time your 80 you may well be able to grow a sweet beard with the fast improvements goin on in the bodymod world ! Lol.

  7. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…Discussions about that are rather pointless IMHO.
    That being said, I agree with most of what TrinityVA said:
    “When I look at that I just feel sad that people are mocking the person in the image on the left. I mean, the Internet isn’t a place for thin-skinned people whether that skin is plain or modified, but also… I’m not a big fan of pointlessly mocking people, even to make a good point. (…) (This is, fwiw, part why I generally…. don’t post pictures of myself, goofy faces or no.)”

  8. @Tony

    This is not a Nazi symbol its a swatstika. One of the oldest spiritual symbol of mankind, Boycott yourself

  9. Alright, Tony, if you’re just here to troll you can stop now.

    TrinityVA – I agree with you. I don’t like when people send photos around to mock a person’s appearance. Given how often photos are stolen from ModBlog and BME to make up those email forwards where they say things like “Be thankful your kids don’t look like this” and then show a bunch of modified folk, I just cringe every time I see any of these things.

    I’ve actually seen that specific one on Facebook more than once. I’ve always ignored it because I didn’t think it was clever or cute. I agree with Shannon. And frankly if someone wants to have a fake tan and whatever else it’s really not affecting my life in any way, whether I find it attractive or not is irrelevant.

  10. @ Tony , just get the hell outta here dude.

    You know that there is a live out there you know ?
    Just go out , meet people , drink something together, eat something together.
    Make a career , etc, etc …

    your life will mean much more and you’ll feel better than ever.
    There’s way more in life then trolling and boycotting.
    you should try !

  11. Rather than portray the tattooed girl as a victim I think the message digs deeper and has more to do with acceptable images of beauty within the mainstream. Maybe things are different in the US but the general discourse within UK media portrays women with tans, excessive make-up and inflated pouts as ‘beauty’. Women with tattoos (as seen with the recent furore at Ascot) where a tattooed lady was debated within the mainstream media as unacceptable for such an event. Tattooed images of beauty don’t often make the mainstream, if they do the person is usually defined because of them rather than despite them. Despite the meme being rather crass and direct the message it gives is fairly spot on, the mainstream’s fascination with beauty does not extend to the heavily tattooed.

  12. I am really glad you posted this. I can’t explain how much it bothered me when, years ago, a post with heavy scarification was posted with applause and praise, and then in the very next one, people couldn’t shut up about a woman’s breast implants. When we judge other people by how they conform to our personal notions of beauty, we’re contributing to the problem. And modified people criticizing other people for being modified in the “wrong” way stings with a particular kind of irony. If it’s not you, it’s none of your business.

  13. Like if you’re sick of your newsfeed being bogged down by this sort of stupid content, share if you’re a mindless fucking idiot.

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