Old BME favorite Lukas Zpira has recently begun a blog at (which lukaszpira.com currently redirects to) to keep his fans updated, adding to his large repetoire of websites including Hacking The Future and The Chaos Chronicles. But one of my favorites by far of his recent projects is Danse Neurale — here is the flyer:
I like that tagline a lot — and of course am 100% on side with the idea that there is a reality that we can reach only through the intellect, not only with the senses. And really, as the son of a mathematician and engineer, how could I feel any differently? In any case, you must watch the video if you haven’t already — it’s a performance in which Lukas is tied to a breathing mic and a heart monitor, so it’s very easy to get intimately connected to the ritual, especially if you have some hands-on experience yourself. Watch it right through too, because it ends with some interesting interview material.
A little more infos on the performance can be found here: http://www.artserved.com/gallery/Danse-Neurale/3232349
I was privileged to be at the first live audience performance of this in Australia only a few days ago and it was breath taking.