24 thoughts on “Don’t miss the armpit piercing

  1. when you get your nipples pierced are they suppose to stick out like that?
    and isnt the ar,pit sensitive?
    that had to hella hurt

  2. when you get your nipples pierced are they suppose to stick out like that?
    and isnt the ar,pit sensitive?
    that had to hella hurt

  3. when you get your nipples pierced are they suppose to stick out like that?
    and isnt the ar,pit sensitive?
    that had to hella hurt

  4. when you get your nipples pierced are they suppose to stick out like that?
    and isnt the ar,pit sensitive?
    that had to hella hurt

  5. um, yeah… Got mine in 1990 while laying on my dorm room bed. the guy who pierced them had just finished giving me a frenum, we sterilized the same needle with boiling water and then he did each armpit. he made my original rings with 14 gauge silver wire. They are still in after hmm… 20 years now? still haven’t met another person with them.

    congrats in joining the club!

    Michael congdon

  6. um, yeah… Got mine in 1990 while laying on my dorm room bed. the guy who pierced them had just finished giving me a frenum, we sterilized the same needle with boiling water and then he did each armpit. he made my original rings with 14 gauge silver wire. They are still in after hmm… 20 years now? still haven’t met another person with them.

    congrats in joining the club!

    Michael congdon

  7. um, yeah… Got mine in 1990 while laying on my dorm room bed. the guy who pierced them had just finished giving me a frenum, we sterilized the same needle with boiling water and then he did each armpit. he made my original rings with 14 gauge silver wire. They are still in after hmm… 20 years now? still haven’t met another person with them.

    congrats in joining the club!

    Michael congdon

  8. um, yeah… Got mine in 1990 while laying on my dorm room bed. the guy who pierced them had just finished giving me a frenum, we sterilized the same needle with boiling water and then he did each armpit. he made my original rings with 14 gauge silver wire. They are still in after hmm… 20 years now? still haven’t met another person with them.

    congrats in joining the club!

    Michael congdon

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