21 thoughts on “Dermal Anchor Finger Ring

  1. Apparently, she’s not knocking them too much at all, although her doofus boyfriend hits it all the time. *raises the roof*

  2. Its actually healing really well, ive had it for a week and 2 days so far and ive hardly knocked it myself… my boyfriend has bumped it a couple of times but nothing really bad. I love it and im trying my hardest to keep it very clean and healthy.

  3. Karl is a god in my country, he can’t even walk down the street without getting mobbed.

  4. karl did one of them on my chest.. its going greatits been a week and its sitting nicely, hardly any redness and only a bit of crust.. and i agree. karl being a god and all..

  5. i love this man, it looks sweeeet. you going to keep it for a while? love youuuu

  6. Gosh, you did get famous, the coast was really holdin you back girly, make it big in the big D 😛 love it ps, best bling.

  7. that’s some serious bling. looks good but temporary. it’d be great if it did heal though!

  8. I have 16 piercings 4 of which are dermal anchors, all have healed fine and will not leave a scar when taken out if u treat it nice.

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