Update:Just click the “Gimme Free Stuff” button on your left!
NOTE: I’ll start this up again soon, but I’ve got a big batch to do manually (I’ll put up an automated form shortly).
So I’m running a BME promotion experiment right now. I printed up a couple thousand (I think) clear vinyl BME Heart stickers (there are more on the way too). But these are only for studios, although they can of course give them away. If you want one (or want to send some to your favorite studio), click this email link: [email protected] (please be sure to completely fill out the form).
Don’t worry, if you’re not part of a piercing or tattoo studio’s staff, all you have to do is have them sent to your favorite studio. If you don’t have a personal relationship, use this as an excuse to go and introduce yourself and tell them about the stickers.
Oh, and I really should keep surprises under wrap, but I have another set of free stickers (they should be here in two weeks) that you can get either by linking to BME or ModBlog, or just sending an SASE (Rebekah from Modified News may help out with that because she’s in the USA so SASE’s would be cheaper).
I really have been waiting for some cool vinyl stickers to come out for a while. My bike tank is BEGGING for a calm logo.
Anyhow, email sent – can’t wait to stick one onto the shop front window.
Oh, btw: http://www.wickedink.com.au/links
First link baby.
PS: Shannon, mailto links are pure evil when they get url encoded. O_o
i dont know what to put next to attn.
I use Yahoo mail, so the mailto: link doesn’t work and I can’t get to the form. Can you post the form elsewhere so it can be copied and pasted? Thanks!
Myspace links to modblog for some time now…
Only now with a proper logo, heh..
Email to:[email protected]
Subject: BME Heart Stickers Please!
Include in the body (main text) th e following:
Studio name:
Hope this helps.
hope it helps
Wow I really love the design! Lucky me, being the coffee/appointment girl in our studio
Send a SASE to where?
love ‘em… makes me wish i had my own studio… does my bedroom count as my studio since i work from it doing tattoos…?
What about Europe? Will you send em here?
I wouldnt mind (reas os “love to get”) getting a few stickers, theyl compliment my new macbook hopefully! 
Linked up!!
I’ve linked to my Livejournal – I’m pleased because I had been looking for a button!
linked to my site. looking forward to me sticker
linked to modblog=done!
That would make a sweet ankle tattoo….
I’ll send them anywhere in the world!
I don’t know if myspace counts or not….But since everyone else is posting theirs….
I as well have jumped on the linking bandwagon.
I posted my url on the other entry, the one with the buttons.
I wish I had a cooler website than myspace to link from…hahaha!
Sidenote. Are there any cool buttons for linking right to bme?
linked! and happy to have a button for modblog.
Linked: http://hitonihi.livejournal.com/profile
It’d be cool if there was a banner between the “medium” and large sizes.
The link is up on both my myspace and my livejournal
Good morning!
well long story short I was hosting a site on my own webspace for these other people but i just changed it around…just a teeny bit!…they never paid me even though they said they would. Anywho why not show my appreciation to all at BME and ModBlog. http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~wilburt/
I may try and make a few nice buttons/banners for em if thats ok?
Oh, Shannon, and I guess photo’s of the sticker somewhere in the studio are appreciatied?
Modified News had a link to Modblog from day 1. Of course
Damnit! I love that sticker but I have no studio or any favorit ones since my town is so small. = (
Any way I can get one anyhow? Please?:)
oh yes!
by far my favorite banner
Shannon, have you got a picture of that heart design? I’ve completely fallen in love with it and I’d love to get it tattooed on me.
Also, I added your link to my lj userinfo.
Shannon, i’m in canada so for the second set should i just sent a SASE to you to get the sticker?
Or where should i send it?
Wait until I have them and I announce the details!!!
I’ve added it in my general interests section on my myspace.
I’m a lame-o myspacer too
Linked! My store isn’t completely up and running yet though:) Here it is.
i have the link on ny vampirefreaks profile
http://www.vampirefreaks.com/u/i-love-piggies ^^