Since I posted such a cute tattoo earlier (or later, depending on which order you read in), I need to set the balance straight by posting something dirtier. This is an updated version of an adult-themed tattoo that I’ve posted in the past. It’s by my friend Damir at Tattoo Seen in Belgrade, Serbia.
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15 thoughts on “Tattoos for onanists”
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Hate to steal a BoingBoing-ism, but is this a ‘poon-icorn chaser’?
Amazing change the prior and this “updated version”.
wow.. the details are amazing and what a great color job.
Is it wrong that I can’t help but notice that mole on her chin?
is it just me or do her labia look very small?
Why’d you blur her nipples out in Round 2?
I don’t know. Sometimes I think that photos look more alluring when more is blurred (I think the “SINNER” entry a few entries up from this one is a good example).
is this girl also an amputee?
(below the left knee?) heh
Her pubes look like they’re shaved to resemble a star, or a sea anemone. I comment on peoples pubes way too often.
Damn, she has a nice pussy.
It’s so sexy, but I just can’t get passed the fact that she has no left leg. Probably cause I like the boots so much :p
Hooray for vagina!
Her right arm looks a little funny to me. And, of course, the leg thing…
He won’t ever get a real woman that hot.
Greaat i like the leg thing sorta goes well with the whole amputee type thing just woulda like to have seen massive arties and blood flyin evrywhere from it..~_0 & why isnt her choochie drippin wet down her leg? #_&
…is it just me, or does this look quite like Hermione, from Harry Potter, sitting in one of the dorm chairs?