This next clip is from Vampy and the Body Evolution crew’s August 6, 2006 suspension event. This one documents Namesofthedead‘s resurrection suspension (you may remember I posted a photo of that resurrection, from the beginning (piercing and hook placement), until she came down.
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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members
The moment when she lifts off the ground is amazing, I gasped for joy when i saw it. Musta been really special. Well done
It was such an amazing suspension to watch… absolutely stunning.
This reminds me, I need to get my “sex noise” video from vampy…
For my Bday Im geting suspended! maybe by then I will have some interesting pics to send BME!… I also would love to know the name of the song and artist that plays in the bacground of the vid?
That Vampy will have to answer; it’s her edit start to finish.
one of the prettiest suspention videos ive ever seen.
Brilliant, beautifully edited.
The song playing in the background is called ‘The Mercy Seat’ as covered by Nick Cave, I think.
that was absolutely beautiful!! lovely indeed.
I love the last few seconds when she’s getting unhooked.
I was there and it was so intense. A pleasure to be there though.
Well done once again Alice. :oD
that made some happy sniffles come out.
it’s so beautiful.
She’s the best!
It was AMAZING being there! We felt her exhilaration.
I’ve never seen a suspension video before, only pictures, but that was something else. I never imagined the act to be so beautiful. I see suspensions totally differently now. Thanks
Dammit, it is refusing to play on my mac (using VLC or DivX, and it also won’t convert to DivX, it’s throwing up a bunch of errors).
that was my favourite suspension out of all I have done I think
I so look forward to suspending one day =) I love watching these videos so much
Well done Alice, you just had me in tears yet again xxx
yep, the song was indeed nick cave’s mercy seat….its what she was listening to when she went up, but i could only find an acoustic version on my pc when i edited…so its not the exact same song…but i think its beautiful.
joker: when i get a chance I’ll be making a dvd of the entire event (well, of everyone who signed model releases, which i think is everyone) and sending copies to everyone involved, so I’m sure you’ll get a chance to see it…and it’ll be a lot higher quality too
Also, thanks to dispel for doing the filming
I just wanted to say that this video was the catalyst that made me realize suspending is something I have to do.
I love the care and watchfulness the crew evinces, they remind me of adult birds helping a fledgling to find its wings for the first time. There’s a tenderness I never would have imagined would be part of something like this.