Services will be:
Saturday, March 10th
Held at:
St. Joe’s
606 Shore Rd.
Somers Point, NJ 08244
9:30 – 11:30 :: Viewing
12:00 :: Mass
In lieu of flowers, the family has set up a trust fund for his daughter Marla as follows: Donations to be made to Marla Defeo-Juliano education fund c/o Patricia Ferry Ocean City Home Bank 6302 Ventnor NJ 8406.
so many young people leaving so soon. so sad
Man…such a cute little girl too.
okay someone tell me whats going on with 2007???
Shannon am I hallucinating but didnt you recently post some work done by him?…
wtf happened? he and i used to talk occasionally. this breaks my heart….
Masticate – you may be thinking of this entry
I would agree, 2007 has not been a good year so far
How did he die? He was so young
this is too sad. Why is everyone dying
here is his obituary:
this is terribly sad
Why does everyone keep dying? I mean, I know it’s part of life, but… wow.
Maybe a stupid question, but.. Who was he?
What the hell? Granted it’s morbid, but what’s the causation in the recent spate of deaths? Is somebody going around whacking BME community notables? Is there just a rash of disease? Are they totally unrelated events that coincidence brings our community? What? What the hell?
hey pommie, you should have googled his name or read the obituary that was posted in a comment before yours before you posted. it’s nice to be respectful, even if it is just the internet.
how did this happen?
oh god
consider once again my suggestion of compiling a virtual cemetary for those that IAM has lost?
How many has it been 5 ???
Maybe they are unrelated but I find it completly fucking weird that 2007 has begun with so many deaths in one same related community.
anyone would like to fill in on wtf is going on
jesus,this is like the second or third person i’ve heard from here that has died! what the hell is going on?
Another dead hero.
Holy Crap. I am gooing to AC next weekend…I was gonna try to get a appt.
How sad, so young!
Man, that’s such a shame.
One thing that stands out though is there being a Mass for the funeral. In a place where my cartlidge earrings get stares and whispers, it makes me happy to see modified Catholics.
Jesus, Its so early in 2007, and already I’m so tired of hearing bad news. People dying, friends with cancer.
I think, I will get into bed and get back up in 2008.
So sad another young person passes away.
This is so sad and still seems unreal…I didnt know him very well, but he was always a sweetheart.
I didn’t know him at all, but I feel really close to those of you who knew him and loved him.
I’m getting a little tired and sick of all these folks dying so young and with so much stuff to do.
No more than two months ago a guy I was in school with died in hospital, and guess what? I heard it from the newspaper.
Dear Mrs. Death, go fuck yourself. Many thanks.
P.s.: Shannon, get your hands on a copy of Safari and try out this form, it definitely does not behave correctly.
wow i just dont understand this has been the 5th person to die that works in the tattoo and piercing Industry this year so far
That’s sad, but at least according to his obit he had come to terms with it.
Still such a shame, I hope his family will be alright.
hey jigsaw
there is nothing disrespectful about asking what happened to him. inquiring minds are obviously curious how this young man passed away.
Nobody yet has said how he died…
Shannon, Thanks for putting something like this up.
For those of you who never met Fil, you definitely did miss out.
He will be missed.
Hey milky he didn’t ask what happend he asked who he was and in my opinion he asked in a disrespectful way.
This really saddens me.
And for those of you who didn’t notice the obituary, here it is:
JULIANO, PHILIP M., 32 – of Somers Point died at home on March 6, 2007. Fil 13 was a larger than life figure with a zest and love for living that was legendary among his friends and family. An internationally renowned tattoo artist working out of his shop, Hot Rod Tattoo in Atlantic City, Fil was a featured artist at conventions throughout the United States and Europe. His work has been featured numerous times in magazines and newspapers and can be seen proudly displayed on his many clients. A tough and true warrior, Fil had a heart filled with love. Those who knew him found him to be fiercely loyal, generous and a true friend for life. Those who crossed him, his family or friends, feared for their lives. He was that big and that real. Fil was also the owner and founder of Aggressive Clothing which featured his cutting edge designs. He traveled extensively, each trip resulting in adventures that will be talked about for years by those who accompanied him. He loved performance cars, concerts, Sunday morning breakfasts and shocking the hell out of the rest of us! Fil leaves behind his beautiful and loving four-year-old daughter, Marla DeFeo-Juliano, and her mother, Rachel; his parents Jacqueline and Richard Juliano; his inseparable brother, Richard, Jr., whom he adored; his grandmother Joann Juliano; his aunts Kathleen Doles, Bonnie Lunsford, Christine Melamed, Michelle Juliano, Linda Juliano, Chris Curran, Cheli Curran and Patty Balbo; his uncles Michael Curran, John Curran, Matt Curran, Al Juliano, Joe Juliano and Bryan Doles; his cousin and brother in heart Christopher Alcoba; his “nieces to pieces” Devon and Kelly Doles; many cousins including Joseph, Sierra, Caitlyn, Kyle, Amy, Jennifer, Matthew, Jake, Michelle, Kimberly, Rebecca, Connor, Nikita and Godchild Mia Alcoba; his friend and partner Buffy; his lifelong best friend Terri Byrne and Godchild Kaitlyn; good friends and comrades in arms Chip, Scottie and Jeff; the Rothhouse-Guerrina Clan as well as other friends and loves of his life – you know who you are! Relatives and friends are invited to pay their respects from 9:30AM to 11:45AM on Saturday, March 10 at St. Joseph R.C. Church, Shore Rd, Somers Point. Mass will be celebrated 12 noon. Burial private. Funeral under the direction of the Middleton-Stroble & Zale Funeral Home, Somers Point. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to “Marla DeFeo-Juliano’s Education Fund” c/o Patricia Ferry, Ocean City Home Bank, 6302 Ventnor Avenue, Ventnor, NJ 08406. It was Fil’s desire that his passing not be a source of grief but a cause to celebrate a life that was lived to the fullest. A man among lesser men, Fil will never be forgotten by all those who knew him. And don’t be surprised if you feel his presence near you now and then, for giants can do anything they want and legends never really die.
This is truly heartbreaking. I am always deeply saddened by the loss of such a young life. Even though I did not know him, I can see the impact he’s left on those around him. My thoughts and prayers are with you all, especially the precious little one he left behind. My hope is that Marla will be able to hold onto those memories of her father.
Rest in Peace.
I didn’t know who he was but I had visited his page a few times. A true talent from what I can see – lets hope that there was someone under his wing to pass his talent along. It’s always sad to have someone that talented and young pass away, I hope that his family let’s his daugther know who he was.
Safe Journey, Fil
RIP my south jersey bud.
I must say that even though I did not know him, it’s sad how 2007 is a year for those who are loved to pass away. I cried when I read his obit. His memory will live on with those who loved him, and his daughter will grow up to know what an amazing person her father was.
rest in peace.
Gute Reise.
Sometimes you take for granted that some one will always be there. I hadn’t talk to Fil in a long time, I just always assumed he’d be around and we’d catch up again someday when the time was right.
Fil… I can’t believe you’re really gone. I always liked being around you.
mia more: I posted this in the comments about Josh Prentice’s death, but I assume it was missed. BME Remembers: “This BME forum will be dedicated to the memories of members who have passed away. Use this forum to share stories, pictures, memories, thoughts, express yourself, or help other members who have lost.”
How sad, rest in peace
I remember one time going out to dinner with Fil and Shane… it was a birthday celebration for Shane and Fil was dressed to the nines…. He had just gotten the little skull tattoo on his face, so I had to ask “why”… it seemed so out of place. Fil looks down on me (fucker was 11 feet tall on a good day) and smiles… “I fell asleep drunk at the shop. I know better than that”. I told him about my luck with laser removal and he just shrugged his shoulders… “Nah. This will remind me not to pass out in the shop again”. haha. Shame how he passed, but its better to remember him how he lived.
he shot himself unfortunately. Love you bro. Miss you every day.
you guys knew him now, but you didn’t know him when. I loved my cousin – and I was sad and now I am mad. comment 46 was uncalled for, his death was no one’s business but ours. I just want peace to find him. I love you Philip. And I miss you –
I’ll never forget eating pink pancakes in the yellow kitchen when we were kids. Or how you would never let me play with your Star Wars dolls… oops, action figures… hahaha. Or the time you scrounged up your change to buy me a barbie. Or when me and my sisters wanted to come to and get tatted by you, but your books were slammed with appointments, even your family couldn’t get in. You were an amazing person, artist, family member, father and friend. I feel honored to say this giant was my cousin. He picked me up when I scraped my knee, he made me feel welcomed in all the games even though I was the “little and annoying girl”. He was what many men wish they could be. All I kept thinking to myself during mass was that Fil made a lot of friends along the way, because there wasn’t an empty seat in the entire church. I only hope that I have touched half of the amount that he did. We will love and miss you always!!
Fil was and is amazing. I loved him more than I knew I could love someone. If you had the chance to cross his path you were and are lucky. Not only was Fil talented but a loyal man. He will be and is missed. The world will never be the same….heart
Fil was more than amazing, he truly was a hero to many. Unfortunately, he took his own life and while it sucks for those he left behind, I understand and respect his choice. It took awhile for me. I was angry for so long. Then one day, I just “got it”.
He touched so many people. A giant among giants.
I guess he stared into the abyss a little too long.
I didn’t knew him,but i liked his pic because he looked a bit like my husband,who was an expressive “punk”-painter and commited suicide this year.And then,i read,this fellow is also already dead!So SAD this!But be sure:these people live 4EVER!!!!They are UNDEAD!YEAH!
you guys knew him now, but you didn’t know him when. I loved my cousin – and I was sad and now I am mad. comment 46 was uncalled for, his death was no one’s business but ours. I just want peace to find him. I love you Philip. And I miss you –
Posted by me
Plz dont talk trash if his death was no ones business but your own then why the obituary and all the guest books, If he shot himself suicide is a real danger to people everywhere and hushing it up like aid’s dosnt help solve anything. After reading everything I had assumed he died of a drug overdose.Maybe if people dealt with real life feelings there would be more real life lived.~_0
I truly hope that maybe u and the rest of his family have a total 180 deg turn around on how you want to look at it. After reading how big and strongs and dedicated man he was and to still have to deal with feelings that brought him to that point … then maybe his memories could be used for inspiration for those alive dealing and living with the same feelings EXAMPLE Shannon here talks about himself having sucidal feelings which I think helps brings those feelings out of the closset which is much better than ignoring them and putting them away in a coffin.Life can be tuff can it not ?
P.P.s I know that Phil could take a joke(just dont pass out in the shop) BUT can U?
The pain of losing our son is still so fresh and raw…yes, I guess he did take his own life but only after terrible things were said to him… god awful wicked things that invaded his subconscious, and tore his soul apart leaving him distraught in agony,with the terrorizing fear of lies ripping his daughter away from him and with her… his whole life…
May god forgive that one because I don’t know if I ever can.
Rest in peace, my son…Marla reached her hand way up into the air and said she gave you a Father’s Day card on your cloud…We all love and miss you so… The world is just not as lively a place without you in it…I can’t see through my tears but I I just had to respond…
As for the guest book on the Press obit page that you can reach from… if you knew our son, please share a story or two …the page is up til next April and we will print a copy for Marla at that time.. it may help her to know how people felt about her Daddy… our love to all
Very interesting information! Thanks!
I AM CRUSHED!!!!!! I was injured very bad in Iraq and upon returning and retiring from the injuries, I learned of Phil’s death. Mrs. Juliano, you remember Phil and I were best friends in Jr. High, and in high school and I am VERY sorry for being out of touch with him for the past 10 years. The army kinda does that to you. I only have 1 tatoo on my body, it was done for me in 1996. It was done by your son. The tatoo was done in memory of my team I lost in Bosnia and when I was shot the first time. Now, I guess it has two…..Damn, I miss you Phil. I am so sorry I wasn’t there for you.
Mrs Juliano your son was a fabulous human being. Larger than life he made such an impression on all who knew him. I met him when I was only 15. From the first time I saw him I wanted to be around him constantly. He just had this energy. He was so friendly. I cant believe he’s gone. I am truly so very sorry for your loss.