An unusual placement, but it seems to look good on him…
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50 thoughts on “Offset Vertical Labret”
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yum! really yum. love his glasses too.
does indeed look cool, though i prefer things symetric.
i have to idmit i like it.
(i have a regular vertical labaret)
I agree. I love it.
Simple, but different.
Aww he’s cute.
It bothers my symmetry obsession… nice picture, though, he’s a good looking guy.
either i’ve seen this boy before, or ive dreamt about him, because i remember this piercing
cute boyyyyyyyy!
just wanna hug him!
he’s geeky-cute.
Definately geeky cute.
He’s adorable!
Unusual placement, I like it
very cute.
I can see the other side being done in the future.
I have to point out the wonderful look of ‘earskins’ in his lobes as well.
hes hot
Looks good!
sorri, have to comment again, hes too yum. i love his eyes. xx
I love the asymmetrical look. And he’s a total cutie.
Can anyone see what kind of earlobe piercing that is? Is it a plug or just a circular shaped regular piercing?
He’s way fucking cute. ;3
nice smile, nice glasses. and yep….a very cute guy.
I would have to agree

Maybe this could be the first in a series of posts for a special “BME boys”?
looks fuckin shithouse
i just want to give him hugs and pinch his cheeks. and then corrupt him.
Hell yeah! That looks smashing on him! Yum!
but seriously, not a bad idea, but i would like to see one on each side (but then he would lose all his emo street cred!)
I had that done once. it’s a bugger to keep in though.. it bugged me so much.
but it does look great on him
I like this a lot. He’s very cute, too.
name and number please
I’ve been considering one of those for a while. He looks yummy!
bah my obsession with symmetry wants him to have another one. but in either cause, he’s super cuuuute.
aww what a cute guy
that’s what my side lip piercing looks like when i wear my tiny horseshoe ring
glad to see it done for real!
You all are freakin’ nutbars
It looks good on him because he’s CUTE!
he’s a cutie! And the labret just makes him so much cuter and huggable!
Both he and the piercing are lovely looking
i have a centered VL and i love it…but this is such a hot twist on it!! or maybe its just the boy…
Seriously, what kind of ear piercings are those? That’s what I want to get…are they plugs?
why dont i ever meet, or at least SEE cute boys like that?
tee hee…..! I’d let him offset me.
i think they are tiny plugs at like 3 to 5mm or something.
He’s adorable!
It looks to me like he might be wearing Kaos skin eyelets.
I used to have an offset vert. labret
oh thats just cool!!
*sigh* I’ll have to join the masses in saying this male is adorable.
okay, he’s the cutest guy ever!
dude you’re really hot.
it does cutee
talk about hawties!! My god im in Love!!!!
This guy is GORGEOUS, and the piercing only accentuates that. Mmm…
something about this photos looks abnormally… right.