Detritus sends in this unusual full-body concept tattoo that he photographed at the recent Skintech Expo 2007. I can just imagine the conversation with the tattoo artist…
Client: I want you to tattoo me so it looks like I'm wearing a leopard suit.
Tattoo Artist: Oh, like Tom Leppard? Yeah, I can tattoo you like a leopard.
Client: No, no, you don’t understand. I want to be tattooed so it looks like I’m wearing a leopard print spandex outfit. I don’t want to look like an animal — I want to look like a human dressed up as an animal.
Maybe the collar line and hand lines are just drawn on, I don’t know, but they definitely put a very different visual spin on it! In any case, hats off to the guy for choosing such a single-minded tattoo and running with it. The world most definitely needs more people with faux leopard suits, be they suits or be they skin.
i think the faux-leopard boxers are really what finish off the effect!
Haha, what a great idea! The boxers kinda ruin it though, he should have leopard print speedo’s
I’m guessing he stopped at the hands and neck so he can look “normal” in clothes
hands and heck done sold red as well would of been better
Damn furries.
I can’t get over the fact that the orange background looks just like orange highlighter.
In any case, it’s a neat concept! Bravo, sir!
im attempting to get a custom branding set, were would i go to get the brand its self built? here is the picture im going to use:
thanks :
Hugh Neil Humbert
[email protected]
he looks so proud and dare I say it self-righteous? lol (not in a bad way though
Bwahahahaha his tatoo are for dummies
well thats certainly one way to decorate yourself
thats quite awesome
interesting concept
Wow, he looks so confident and proud.
I love how happy he looks.
whatever works for ya.
I adore leopard print, but I could never do my whole body.
I’m kinda a negative space girl myself.
definately looks neat though.
I think that’s cool.
HAHAHA That is SO awesome.
Pretty cool. Personal preference- I like Tom’s a bit better, but I’ve always liked realistic-looking ink more.
Wonder what he wears to fancy dress parties?
this is way over my head. then again i’m not that smart.
when I looked at the first picture I thought it was an old pic of Barry Manilow.
I like the “hole” in his right sleeve! It definitely adds to the effect.
What’s with the incomplete spot on his right arm? Is that supposed to be a ‘tear’ in his ‘suit’??
Those boxers are awesome. I used to have a satin leapord print tank top, dressing gown and girly boxers when I was a littlun’.
Lion-o rang. He wants his leotard back !
would be much better without the strong orange.
the pattern on his chest and belly are somehow special.
I thought that too, like a faux rip or something.
I really like the patterns on his stomach.
#22 I’m so glad someone else thought ThunderCats.
Interesting concept…
i think its another tatto, not just a blank spot or hole on his sleeve
It looks like he rolled himself in Doritos and put lepard stickers all over himself. Ha.
I’m totally digging the David Bowie-like vibe from this!
Oooh now I am really curious about what’s on his right arm. I wonder if there are any more pictures of this chap about *runs to google image search*
the “tears” in the suit really add to it
Now that’s a leopardy looking dude wit or without the tattoos @[email protected]
I hate Tom leopard he took my idea now im just Bradly ~_0