- 2007-03-31: TX: Hanging by a Moment: Locals hooking into body modification trends in the Valley [by deadly pale]
- 2007-03-31: CO: Body art of tattooing catching a mainstream buzz [by deadly pale]
- 2007-03-31: Germany: ‘Mancher bizarre Eingriff geschieht als Folge psychischer Erkrankung’ (Some bizarre procedures happen as a result of mental illness) [by deadly pale]
- 2007-03-31: Germany: alltag des prolls: die persönlichkeit der heavy-metal-fans wird erforscht (Heavy Metal’s fans’s personality will be researched) [by deadly pale]
- 2007-03-31: ME: Tattoos and shorts for rebels [by deadly pale]
- 2007-03-31: Germany: Hirn in der Hose (Brains in pants) [by deadly pale]
- 2007-03-31: Germany: USA: Ansturm auf Tattoo-Studios (USA: Rush to tattoo shops) [by deadly pale]
- 2007-03-31: MS: Tattoo in question [by Ribibe]
- 2007-03-31: CA: Marines begin ban on garish tattoos [by gothicphoenixx]
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