I wonder if this tattoo makes his declared mission easier or harder? I’m not convinced this is going to be any more successful than the NSFW “your name” gag! Sara Huser at Castle of Color in Lexington, KY did this piece…
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55 thoughts on “SLUT FUCKER! tattoo”
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You left an italic tag open. :O
i’m so glad this is what comes out of my college town. way to go KY.
I seriously doubt any decent female would be with a man bearing such a degrading tattoo.
He may as well have ‘every female is a ho inked’, no less insulting to any female!
i just threw up in my mouth a little bit
this is pretty gross… sure, its playful and a bit entertaining, but the hairy buttcrack is just too much for me.
I’m sure that will help him win over some hunnies! NOT
I have no idea why but I really like this tattoo.
its def silly but i think id be a BIT turned off by that ink if not the hairy buttcrack
hahaha “way to go KY.” indeed
I guess it adds a whole new meaning to cheeky cunt LOL
I wonder if maybe he’s gay and so that’s a joke… would be fun !
Pretty tasteless, if you ask me. I think that despite the appeal of breaking social boundaries with body art, there’s also something to be said for having a bit of tact.
Is this implying that pierced women are sluts? Either way, aside from not being very nice aesthetically, this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I agree with you astrosnik. I am not pierced down below, but I’d think that any woman who was pierced there and saw this would feel awful. I am not crazy about this one.
I’m pierced down there and I don’t feel offended as that guy would never get any haha
As least hes honest and a well-done tattoo
I guess I’m one of the few girls that thinks it’s funny. I also agree with the hairy asscrack comments
i thought it said shit fucker. i was confused. still am, honestly.
the point about “Is this implying that pierced women are sluts?” is totally ridiculous.
come on now… there is also a vagina, so should we also say “is this implying that all humans with vaginas are sluts?”
and the tattoo is not “well done” either. look at the shape of the cbr. i have seen much better looking vaginas tattooed on people here in modblog…
This guy must get laid….never. Do you think he may regret it in later years?
Pure class.
I know a lot of girls that wouldn’t have a problem with that tattoo. Most of the girls I know like to be called a slut now and again.
The work out of the shop looks like a walk in pick ur tattoo off the wall type place .He must of got his off the bathroom wall … He’s a skanky looking dude just from what shows here .
Hmmm …. vaguely insulting tattoo poorly inked on a hairy, pimply ass. This guy is a real winner.
C’mon folks, you can’t hate on the ass hair. Sweeps the crumbs off the girls face when she gives a rim job!
What fucking crumbs are u talking about ???
maybe HE’S the slut??
It sort of makes me laugh…
but yeah… I wonder if he’ll ever have sex (with the lights on) again.
i’m pierced, bear a vagina, and i’m unoffended.
i’m not attacted to his ass, per say, but if i was fucking a hot guy that had slut fucker tattood on him i think it’d turn me on.
mah input.
oh come on what guy doesn’t have a hairy arse crack?? It’s the weird red rash-type thing that I think it gross. Oh and that bad tattoo…
i would feel strange if i had a (tattooed) vagina on my ass.
real ones im ok with.
Lol #18 I thought that too.
Guess most women offended by this have a secret dream of being “done” by someone like him.
The fact that the tattoo gives the illusion that he has a vulva growing on his ass is decidedly not a turn on. And the red rash thinger in his crack. And that the tattoo ceases to be funny after about 10.5 seconds of looking at it, and then becomes comically tragic.
I’m not offended by this at all. It’s on his ass…it’s not like it’s on his forhead or anything.
If ur offended ur stupid its on his ass ..But iether way it’s just a stupid tattoo in my very own thoughts ~_0
#37 tattooing something like that on someone’s forehead reminds me of a method of punishment a friend and I wrote up for a project on laws and societies back in highschool… hahaha.
Hell its on his ass, I thought that was a huge fat stomach.
Bit gross hes showing his stained butt crack and spots lol
I have no particular opinion on the subject matter, I’m just wondering what it is about the tattoo that makes some people see it as ‘poorly done’.
#41 come on it looks like a cardboard pussy …
i’m failing to be offended. it’s more like a notification, “hey, i bone sluts!”
Ewww, he has diaper rash
hahahaha! what a jerk!
now does that look like flash art? i dont think so.. and what does cardboard pussy mean? someone sounds jealous. have you ever considered he may be gay? if your offended, then you are easily offended.. take it in stride, different strokes for different folks, it seems the women take it with a grain of salt, and some of the guys, well, nuff said.. the tattoo his high quality, in my opinion, if it was a rose or heart, i doubt there would be this many comments on it.. is it gross? yes.. disgusting? maybe… but it definitely gets your attention!
#46 i went to the web site of the tattoo shop the shop looks like they only put out pieces that come off a wall and that looks like flash pussy tome .2bad 4 u when u cant tell the differance between round-off-flip-flop pussy and then the rest like this one .Im not trying to put down the castle of color im just expressing my thoughts on the work thats all which aint bad but it sure aint pimp ~_0
just a tattoo, i can’t believe you are that negative abaout a joke. And i think that if sannon larrat gets a tattoo like this you will think its cool.
I think I found a mistake…if the word below the pussy is meant to be “fuck you” than an y” is missing.
49: It’s not a mistake, it’s just a badly done ‘e’ in “fucker”. Every time I look at the tattoo I get that “where’s the ‘y’?” feeling too.
Yeah I am truly not offended by the tattoo or the hairy ass…I am just worried about the strange rash that is taking over his crack…he may wanna either go see someone about that, not take anymore pics until he clears it up, or change the brand of tp he is using
The tattoo’s hilarious. I don’t see why people would get offended by that.
His ass is bothersome, though.
I collect tattoo & related business cards. If you have any would you please send me a few/ TO: John Puckett 2841 N.E 13th. Dr. Gainesville,FL. 32609
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i like the letters. tattoo is wacked though, but nice work. their web site may not be updated, but they do great custom work as well as wall flash which pays the bills. sara does a lot of huge custom stuff,full backs etc.very well done as well. greg does to but doesnt tattoo near as much as he used to! too bad! geo
How do you know that’s not a chick’s ass?