52 thoughts on “Ursel’s Japanese Dragon

  1. That’s beautiful. It fits her shape so perfectly. All i can think though, is “how long was that sitting?”

  2. What are you talking about? It *already* looks very nice!

    Also, she has a fantastic, very graceful looking back. A great combination!

  3. That’s amazingly beautiful. I think it looks perfect even as an outline, I cannot WAIT to see the finished piece she is a very lucky girl 🙂 GREAT work!!!!

  4. I just HAVE to see it when it’s done. It looks fanatastic, and with some colour and deptch it will be literally stunning.

  5. I was wondering how long that sitting was too! I can’t sit for more than 3 hours or so. Kudos to her! That looks incredible.

  6. wow, that’s beautiful. i like it just outlined, i think color might even be overkill. then again i’m a prude.

  7. I love how it wraps her form, and leaves nice asymmetric areas bare…inviting kisses. 🙂 I look forward to seeing it completed.

  8. WOW.

    As others have said, I’m not really a huge fan of dragon tats… but this is incredible. I think it would look stunning in black and white or sepia-ish tones, but thats just me ;p

    Hope to see some more pictures of the progression of the inking, assuming she gets further work done.

  9. Now that will look exquisite when its complete, please come back and show it when its done.

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