On Roo (who brings you most of the BME videos here and in our extremely-adult zone) by Chino (currently tattooing at King of Fools in Toronto)… Even if the tattooed mustache meme is getting old, I think we still have a few more puns and gags we can beat to death, right?
As soon as I saw Roo today, I was like “you have to post these on ModBlog!” but he was too shy to self-post, so here you go!
That makes me smile ( :
haha, nice.
Roo, you’re a big gay, but you do make me chuckle. :o)
aw, cute
Roo, I love your originality and sense of humour. Yay for positive attitude!
Andy – You’re a short gay
I’m not sure if it’s been done before (probably), but they make me happy!
that is cuuute!
haha love it
Cute. I aproove
Roo…you make my giggle…and happy in the pants!
i must be having a super attack of the stupids because i am failing to get the funny. i want to giggle too!
They look more like thumbSCREWS to me….
Roo, you have super sexy hands.
That may sound creepy, but I have a fetish for hands and feet… so I mean it in the nicest way possible
Yay for Roo!
I have to agree totally with Rhiannon, you have the sexiest hands I have ever seen:)
They look awesome. I wonder, Roo, do you shave your arms?
Roo is just the best.
Sassix – If they were screws they’d have threads rather than highlights
It did occur to me that they might be confused with thumbscrews, but they’re most definitely thumbnails. w00t
Campbell – Certainly do.
Everyone else – Thank you! <3
Hehe, cute ^-^
looks cute, actually!
I like it because it’s a subtle joke, rather than overwhelming.
love it
nice hands
ok i got it. nobody told me but i slept more and now it’s hilarious.
I almost didn’t get the joke.
Roo is sexy, of course he’d have sexy hands too.
Cute thumb tacks btw…