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35 thoughts on “I love freckles”
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Me too, Shannon, me too.
I love the Sepia tint
i like my freckles too
thanks everyone!
i really dont understand why someone would pay someone to tattoo all those freckles on thier face…although it does Looks like nice work… real natuaral looking ~_)
Very pretty!
podria verla mejor para la proxima!
wow what a cutie
So beautiful!
esta re jea la morra
wow shes beautiful, she kinda looks like my friend maxi only w/ freckles
absolutely beautiful. she makes me want to cry for those girls that don’t like their freckles
id tap that shit. i heart kreeeeeestah.
I love how her nose ring fits. I am trying to achieve the same thing.
very pretty, is her labret pierced lower than usual or is that just me?
i have a soft spot for freckles, too. mostly on guys..
Very nice, and i agree with #3 on the tint too.
Damn those freckles…make me so hot!!!! I like to refer to them as “Angel Kisses” vice freckles, as that is what they are to me anyway.
This is one of those pictures I could stare at all day long and still wouldn’t get bored.
Freckles make me melt away…
Freckle love x beautiful!
You are stunning!
Beautiful!!! I love freckles!
hehe! that’s my friend and she’s lovely.
…and her freckles look natural because they are, Bradly.
I thought “Wow, that looks like Krista, I need to see if it is” and it was!
You’re lovely and congrats on making Modblog! I feel special for actually knowing someone on here.
“i really dont understand why someone would pay someone to tattoo all those freckles on thier face…although it does Looks like nice work… real natuaral looking ~_)”
Bradly, they are natuaral.
Freckles make my toes curl, they always have! Gush.
i’m guessing she’s a natural redhead
i get a ton of freckles and i have dark brown hair. that being said, i also have light green eyes and skin like buttermilk (beneath the freckles).
That might just be one of my all time favorite pictures on modblog…so pretty
I wish my freckles would show up on pictures…grar.
Very pretty woman.
how much would it cost to get freckles tattooed? and where would you go?
who would do such a beautiful job on my face ? where should I go?
I love freckles 2