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16 thoughts on “Elliott Smith Tribute Tattoo”
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Balloons creep me out. Great stuff.
two great albums.
yay! i like this a lot
Love her hair colour.
The tattoo is nice as well :P.
ooh! i love it!
Oh, the doggy’s hugging her. 🙂
How sweet.
I’m seriously in love with her hair colour!! Liking the tattoo!
Lindwig!!!! Where have you been?
I hope the person with the tattoo wasn’t the one who misspelled his name, heh.
It doesn’t look like anyone did, to me.
Aww. My dog does that too.
his name isn’t misspelled.
yay for elliott smith, puppy hugs, and green hair!
It was Elliot when I commented! But I’m glad it’s fixed now. 🙂
Aww snuggles!
ok i consider myself a snobby critic of mods but this is just beautiful
hehe figures. After all these years of being around here the passed-out-on-my-floor picture makes it through. Thanks for all the compliments though. Oh…and to #2…It’s three album covers, but the picture kind of hides one. The heart (although this picture doesn’t really show that shape either) is an XO/Figure 8 combo.