Click through for a fuller shot of this customer of Rodri’s (working on the road in Madrid, Spain) who had him do this pubic Slipknot cutting.
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51 thoughts on “How much do YOU love Slipknot?”
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I don’t think I love ANY band that much.
nice piercings
#3 – constructive.
I was about to make #1′s comment.
Was expecting it to be a girl, for some reason.
where is it?
Not that much.
I have a couple of piercings like that myself and they rock, but.. Slipknot scar on the crotch?..No one will suck his cock again. Ever.
I try not to criticize others taste in music… but slipknot!?!?!?
regardless of the band, the quality of the scar is quite nice, the script is identical to the band’s logo.
Please send in and post a healed version. I hope in integrity of the script stays with the scarring
I might expect an idea like this to perhaps belong to a 16 yr old or such…
Now I think about it more, I can think of one or two, maybe.
I don’t see why people are knocking it so much, I mean, it’s not much different from a tattoo of a movie, and movie tattoos don’t really get bad comments.
Or maybe people just don’t like Slipknot.
worst. band. ever.
Either his piercings were done at a very small gauge, or he has a HUGE penis. In fact, it’s just so much funnier to me to imagine that they’re all 10g.
They don’t look very happy though.
whoa thats one of the dumbest things ive ever seen
If you dont like it, dont blow him. That is all.
I wonder if he cums maggots.
That looks really painful!
Isn’t that gonna be insane to heal with the pubes growing through the scabs? ITCHY.
Piercings are cute, cutting is… yes, regrettable.
I think the sacrification his beautiful, and i like slipknot corey taylor is amazing… Awesome, keep listen slipknot
Maggots 4 life, if you don’t like slipknot just shut up don’t speack about…
Oh, yeah. I’d totally get a band logo carved into my dick hair.
slipknot is the worst metal band. and thats just gross looking. nice cutting, but not good looking.
I can understand getting a cutting for a band you really like, but I don’t understand the positioning of it. It just doesn’t seem to enhance him erotically in an aesthetic viewpoint, but that’s just my own opinion. If he’s happy with it…*shrug*
diehard fans scare me.
i think people see getting band tattoos/scars as being regrettable because sometimes bands change what are they and what the sound like completely, and this change could be to something you don’t like. whereas movies won’t ever change, they stay that way forever, unless some dickhead makes a shitty remake of it. but anyway, i like it ^_^
couldn’t give a toss about the band but boy, is it just me or are those piercings way too close together, especially for being on the shaft? The slipnot logo will last forever. I give the piercings another week though, or until whenever he next has some screaming monkey sex.
well… at least you can always grow a bush, huh?
there won’t be any hair growing from that scar! Hair can’t really grow through thick scar tissue, and even though, on something this deep, many of the follicules are cut clean out, so there is no growth.
That’s some serious dedication.
At first I thought, certainly not enough to get my flesh removed for them (In fact, I don’t love slipknot at all). Then I clicked through and saw the placement and thought, Jesus, I definitely don’t love them enough for that. It’s well done so kudos to the artist, just not my cup o tea I suppose.
at least now his cock can suck itself.
#9 I totally would suck his cock and completely enjoy running my fingers over the scar.
#21. “Isn’t that gonna be insane to heal with the pubes growing through the scabs?” Thats the first time something on Modblog has made me feel ill
i love slipknot, but i’d never like to have something like that…
I am less than whelmed. I hope he regrets doing that eventually, but then I am rather shallow.
Was suprised to see the location after the click through (?)
ahahahahahahahaha at # 18
I like it!
Slipknot?? I’d sooner cut Dolly Parton. What a waste of good space
Haha, I didn’t expect it to be placed there..
luv it!!!!!!!!
looks painfull like
slipknot rock! =]
I really hope this guy doesn’t grow out of Slipknot like the other 98% of their fans do within a couple of years…
Nicely cut though. Interesting comments above regarding the hairs not growing back too. Never thought about that before.
im gonna do it.
(and big YES i love SlipknoT that much)
….we are neutral, pain is just an ilussion……..
very nice. !!!SlipKnoT!!!
Well I did something similar myself for the band Slayer, when I was 15. Not that huge and not that detailed anyway. Regrets? Umh… Maybe a bit sometimes… But I can’t blame myself, I was in one of the darkest periods of my life, so yeah I forgive myself