6mm 6mm 6mm

Stvrmzeit and three two* friends fooling around in Sweden, each with a 6mm septum tunnel. Not the funnest three-way they could have, but still, it’s better than nothing. Well anyway, enough posting silly photos for now… back to work for me.


* Apparently I can not count past two.

28 thoughts on “6mm 6mm 6mm

  1. “ok..ok, don’t make any sudden movements.. leeft, leeft.. LEEFT IS SAID LEEFT AAAARGHH” x) haaha

    I can just picture it infront of me ;p

  2. Haha eww no matter which way she goes when she takes the straw off it’ll have one of those guys’ buggers on it 😀

  3. “Haha eww no matter which way she goes when she takes the straw off it’ll have one of those guys’ buggers on it :D”

    She could cut it between her&&one of them >.>
    Thats what I would do.

    Its a cool/fun picture.
    But eww.

  4. Wouldn’t it be “Stvrmzeit and TWO friends fooling around…”?

    But anyway, love it! I’d be worried about the booger aspect though.

  5. Heheh, that reminds me of this time I was on a tram in Amsterdam in ’92. This really cool looking couple got on, with a chain going from his septum piercing to her ear tunnel. As I watched them in wonder, the tram lurched, sending the pair flying either side of a vertical grab-rail… Hilarity did not ensue…

  6. Andy… I flinched. Seriously. Ouch.

    As for people saying whichever way she goes she’s gotta be where they’ve been… well she musta slid that in first meaning someone else followed her 😉

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