I have a series of tattoo interviews to post over the next while, starting with a local tattoo artist whose studio is actually just down the street from the BME offices, Farizio Divari (divariart.com). I was interested in talking to Fabrizio because his artwork was clearly from a fine art background, with many of his tattoos being evolutions of his cubist paintings. Click through for the interview, and of course come back here to comment.
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84 thoughts on “Fabrizio Divari Tattoo Interview Posted”
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been following him for years. more interviews like this with genuine, hardworking artists.
been following him for years. more interviews like this with genuine, hardworking artists.
been following him for years. more interviews like this with genuine, hardworking artists.
I think the next tattoo interviews going up are DJ Minor, Dan DiMattia, and Boff who does the hand tattoos (all quite interesting). Also in the queue are Alex De Pase, Johnny Thief, Roey from Pentagram/Tel Aviv, and a number of others.
I think the next tattoo interviews going up are DJ Minor, Dan DiMattia, and Boff who does the hand tattoos (all quite interesting). Also in the queue are Alex De Pase, Johnny Thief, Roey from Pentagram/Tel Aviv, and a number of others.
I think the next tattoo interviews going up are DJ Minor, Dan DiMattia, and Boff who does the hand tattoos (all quite interesting). Also in the queue are Alex De Pase, Johnny Thief, Roey from Pentagram/Tel Aviv, and a number of others.
I sat beside a woman in a uni class last year, who happened to have a full sleeve done by this guy (I later saw it in a magazine) and it was full-on terrible. I don’t mean to be a jerk. I don’t! But he had coloured in the negative space with a piss-yellow colour and this poor woman’s arm looked like it had jaundice. I felt pretty bad for her.
I sat beside a woman in a uni class last year, who happened to have a full sleeve done by this guy (I later saw it in a magazine) and it was full-on terrible. I don’t mean to be a jerk. I don’t! But he had coloured in the negative space with a piss-yellow colour and this poor woman’s arm looked like it had jaundice. I felt pretty bad for her.
I sat beside a woman in a uni class last year, who happened to have a full sleeve done by this guy (I later saw it in a magazine) and it was full-on terrible. I don’t mean to be a jerk. I don’t! But he had coloured in the negative space with a piss-yellow colour and this poor woman’s arm looked like it had jaundice. I felt pretty bad for her.
That was a great interview. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
That was a great interview. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
That was a great interview. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
freakin awesome, is he italian by any chance?
freakin awesome, is he italian by any chance?
freakin awesome, is he italian by any chance?
Each tattoo is as beautiful as his canvas-art. Amazing! Thanks for the great interview, too.
Proper articles FTW!
Each tattoo is as beautiful as his canvas-art. Amazing! Thanks for the great interview, too.
Proper articles FTW!
Each tattoo is as beautiful as his canvas-art. Amazing! Thanks for the great interview, too.
Proper articles FTW!
Alex De Pase in Gorizia, Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia) is just as good, if not better.
That’s who I thought it was when I was the picture at first. Although it seems although Fabrizio has a fine arts background, and it shows in his ink, Alex specializes primarily in realism, abstract, and surrealism and the sort. Those are my two cents. Primo interview, d000d.
Alex De Pase in Gorizia, Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia) is just as good, if not better.
That’s who I thought it was when I was the picture at first. Although it seems although Fabrizio has a fine arts background, and it shows in his ink, Alex specializes primarily in realism, abstract, and surrealism and the sort. Those are my two cents. Primo interview, d000d.
Alex De Pase in Gorizia, Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia) is just as good, if not better.
That’s who I thought it was when I was the picture at first. Although it seems although Fabrizio has a fine arts background, and it shows in his ink, Alex specializes primarily in realism, abstract, and surrealism and the sort. Those are my two cents. Primo interview, d000d.
Eric – Alex De Pase is stunning! His interview is on the way as well. I’ve been a big fan of his work for some time.
Eric – Alex De Pase is stunning! His interview is on the way as well. I’ve been a big fan of his work for some time.
Eric – Alex De Pase is stunning! His interview is on the way as well. I’ve been a big fan of his work for some time.
great interview, beautiful art!
great interview, beautiful art!
great interview, beautiful art!
This guy is amazing.
This guy is amazing.
This guy is amazing.
Wow, how talented. I have never seen this artist before.
I especially like the “Guernica” sleeve. Lovely article.
Wow, how talented. I have never seen this artist before.
I especially like the “Guernica” sleeve. Lovely article.
Wow, how talented. I have never seen this artist before.
I especially like the “Guernica” sleeve. Lovely article.
YUS! De Pase interview! Today is a good day.
Muchas gracias, homie!
YUS! De Pase interview! Today is a good day.
Muchas gracias, homie!
YUS! De Pase interview! Today is a good day.
Muchas gracias, homie!
rehan @ 5 – Dude. Pay attention. Shannon’s intro said: “When I first saw Italy-born and now after various international locations Toronto-based” .. and Fabrizio responded to the first question by saying, “I was born in Rome and grew up between Bologna and Milan,” …
Uhm yeah, he’s Italian.
Oh Shannon, post the Dan DiMattia interview soon! Please & thanks.
rehan @ 5 – Dude. Pay attention. Shannon’s intro said: “When I first saw Italy-born and now after various international locations Toronto-based” .. and Fabrizio responded to the first question by saying, “I was born in Rome and grew up between Bologna and Milan,” …
Uhm yeah, he’s Italian.
Oh Shannon, post the Dan DiMattia interview soon! Please & thanks.
rehan @ 5 – Dude. Pay attention. Shannon’s intro said: “When I first saw Italy-born and now after various international locations Toronto-based” .. and Fabrizio responded to the first question by saying, “I was born in Rome and grew up between Bologna and Milan,” …
Uhm yeah, he’s Italian.
Oh Shannon, post the Dan DiMattia interview soon! Please & thanks.
That is some fabulous cubism right there. I am seriously impressed.
That is some fabulous cubism right there. I am seriously impressed.
That is some fabulous cubism right there. I am seriously impressed.
Stunning work!
Stunning work!
Stunning work!
The ‘Guernica’ sleeve was my favorite, too. The colors suit it very well. Nice work!
The ‘Guernica’ sleeve was my favorite, too. The colors suit it very well. Nice work!
The ‘Guernica’ sleeve was my favorite, too. The colors suit it very well. Nice work!
I love reading interviews like these because, not being particularly interested in being part of the ‘scene’ (such as it is), I don’t know any names in particular. It’s nice to find out about new people
I love reading interviews like these because, not being particularly interested in being part of the ‘scene’ (such as it is), I don’t know any names in particular. It’s nice to find out about new people
I love reading interviews like these because, not being particularly interested in being part of the ‘scene’ (such as it is), I don’t know any names in particular. It’s nice to find out about new people
What percentage of tattoo artists have formal fine arts training, would you guess?
What percentage of tattoo artists have formal fine arts training, would you guess?
What percentage of tattoo artists have formal fine arts training, would you guess?
I love abstract kinda tattoos. And these are beautiful.
I love abstract kinda tattoos. And these are beautiful.
I love abstract kinda tattoos. And these are beautiful.
I would love for him to tattoo me someday, gorgeous art both on skin and canvas. I think that’s the best interview posted since the post gender one. Awesome
I would love for him to tattoo me someday, gorgeous art both on skin and canvas. I think that’s the best interview posted since the post gender one. Awesome
I would love for him to tattoo me someday, gorgeous art both on skin and canvas. I think that’s the best interview posted since the post gender one. Awesome
favorite BME interview ever
favorite BME interview ever
favorite BME interview ever
Is Boff from England? I think I know him (sort of).
Is Boff from England? I think I know him (sort of).
Is Boff from England? I think I know him (sort of).
Yes, that Boff.
Yes, that Boff.
Yes, that Boff.
Oh how exciting! Haha! Nice one Shannon… can’t wait to read that!
Oh how exciting! Haha! Nice one Shannon… can’t wait to read that!
Oh how exciting! Haha! Nice one Shannon… can’t wait to read that!
He speaks (or writes, not sure how you do your interviews) beautifully. I love reading that
He speaks (or writes, not sure how you do your interviews) beautifully. I love reading that
He speaks (or writes, not sure how you do your interviews) beautifully. I love reading that
sorry i havent had time to read the interview yet
sorry i havent had time to read the interview yet
sorry i havent had time to read the interview yet
Hey Dustin @ #3: I’m terribly mortified that you din’t appreciate so much that girl sleeve, but you know sometimes we’re actually told how to proceed by the client. I wish I could do everything that is in my mind at all times but reality kicks in. This is one of these cases. She asked me to finish the piece using that color for background, perhaps I would have chosen a different way but nontheless I am not here to judge or insult what she’s wearing, not I believe should you.
By the way, do some homework and next time you feel the urge to be a smart-ass use the words properly: that is not “negative” space but background, negative space occurs and is created when you use the natural skin color (not pigmented, thus not yellow either..) to integrate a pattern into the composition. Two different things, that’s all.
Cheers man,
Hey Dustin @ #3: I’m terribly mortified that you din’t appreciate so much that girl sleeve, but you know sometimes we’re actually told how to proceed by the client. I wish I could do everything that is in my mind at all times but reality kicks in. This is one of these cases. She asked me to finish the piece using that color for background, perhaps I would have chosen a different way but nontheless I am not here to judge or insult what she’s wearing, not I believe should you.
By the way, do some homework and next time you feel the urge to be a smart-ass use the words properly: that is not “negative” space but background, negative space occurs and is created when you use the natural skin color (not pigmented, thus not yellow either..) to integrate a pattern into the composition. Two different things, that’s all.
Cheers man,
Hey Dustin @ #3: I’m terribly mortified that you din’t appreciate so much that girl sleeve, but you know sometimes we’re actually told how to proceed by the client. I wish I could do everything that is in my mind at all times but reality kicks in. This is one of these cases. She asked me to finish the piece using that color for background, perhaps I would have chosen a different way but nontheless I am not here to judge or insult what she’s wearing, not I believe should you.
By the way, do some homework and next time you feel the urge to be a smart-ass use the words properly: that is not “negative” space but background, negative space occurs and is created when you use the natural skin color (not pigmented, thus not yellow either..) to integrate a pattern into the composition. Two different things, that’s all.
Cheers man,
Your art is spectacular. I look at it and am whisked away into a beautiful world of incredible colour usage and imagination. I only hope that I will be able to make it up to Toronto soon to cast a shining light onto your beautifully moving work.
La grazia ha regolato su lei attraverso un regalo e spero che lei continuerà a stenderlo attraverso il mondo.
(p.s. if the Italian is wrong it is the translation website’s fault!)
Your art is spectacular. I look at it and am whisked away into a beautiful world of incredible colour usage and imagination. I only hope that I will be able to make it up to Toronto soon to cast a shining light onto your beautifully moving work.
La grazia ha regolato su lei attraverso un regalo e spero che lei continuerà a stenderlo attraverso il mondo.
(p.s. if the Italian is wrong it is the translation website’s fault!)
Your art is spectacular. I look at it and am whisked away into a beautiful world of incredible colour usage and imagination. I only hope that I will be able to make it up to Toronto soon to cast a shining light onto your beautifully moving work.
La grazia ha regolato su lei attraverso un regalo e spero che lei continuerà a stenderlo attraverso il mondo.
(p.s. if the Italian is wrong it is the translation website’s fault!)