You’ll never get this one!
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94 thoughts on “Outward Bound [Guess What]”
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Is that a man or a woman??
Anywho I feel sorry for that person – it looks like it is pretty painfull.
Oh thank God, I missed these!
Well damn. You did get me. I thought it was elbows with implants or something weird like that. I concede!
oh dear.
you’re shitting me here!
If by “never” you mean “easily.”
Ah! Ow =/
My thinking pattern went a bit like this: “They look like boobs, therefore must be testicles.”
ha i got it right on the first try!
DuckieVamp, I find your thought process very amusing
It is much like mine.
Right off the bat, I thought BOOBIES! YAAAY! BOOBIES! then . . . eeeeeeeewwwwwwww . . . why? OOWWWW! Then I grabbed my boobies in pain, cuz that looks way painful.
augh, I can’t believe I got it right… I must get out more and stop spending so much time on this site!! lol
Also, I thought they were fingers for a brief second . . . odd huh?
Oh. No.
Oh dear.
Looks like she has two swollen dicks on her chest
i got that one.
#6; that was totally my process, too! I was like, “No WAY those are nipples, they look too much like nipples!”
My guess was “genital beads in a bifurcated penis”, btw.
titties shouldn’t be hurt so =(
it looked like nipples…so surprisingly – it’s nipples.
well, actually it’s more than nipples
oooo my ta tas hurt just lookin at that…whew! but yeah it was a pretty easy guess it was boobs…boobs doing what tho was a challenge
after I realized what it was I grabbed my boobs in pain
I sooo got it.
I can always spot a nipple!
God I love nipples…
I like my boobs the way they are… not purple. /: Ouch.
The nipples give it away.
Was it trying to stand up or something?
wow, one of the few I actually guess correctly … it think it was the “bound” part of “outbound” made something click lol
I figured nipples but the rest of the picture confused me.
Knew it was nipples but…… didn’t guess that >_<
i can spot a nipple from 3 miles away.
#8. my thoughts exactly.
HA. yes, i got it.
…is that sad?
That animated gif makes it look like a strange nipple dance.
whyy ;-;
I don’t see how anyone gets any pleasure out of that.
Can’t that fuck up your boobs or something? Ughh…looks horribleeee
I got the nipple part right…
Didn’t think that they were going to be doing that though.
Looks like they wanted to run away.
Was she actually supporting all her weight on those things?
haha. I think that’s the easiest one that have ever been posted:P
ouch. they did look like nipples, so it was easy this time. ouch again!
i thought it was two potatoes used in some stretching.
#35 makes a good point. can that in any way damage your breasts? just interested….
If it wasn’t for my fear of gangrene I’d be applauding the dedication, oh what the heck, *claps.
poor boobies!
yay i win! i guessed it!
but seriously… ow
I just hold my own close and thank the powers that be that mine are so perky after looking at that.
I’m curious- it the aim to kill the tissue so it can be/is removed or is this a temporary play/ritual thing where the string gets untied after a bit?
outch- poor poor boobies!!
wonder what they looke like after such a procedure…
This one was wayyy easy, but for some reason my first thought was amputated limbs… and then I looked again, and was like “oh, tits.”
If that a dude he must have the saggiest man boobs..
Oh fucking what! Jesus.
doing push ups with his breasts?
haha i guessed that is was nipples, but after i clicked the picture i still wasnt sure what it was ahaha
I didn’t want to look, I didn’t want to look….
*rocks back and forth in fetal position*
oh cheezus.
OWOOWWWWWWWWWWiieeeee… my titties hurt just looking at that..
Oh good god.
thought it was nipples on snap shot…that looks so wrong n painful in full though.
I said nipples…. but I was only half correct…
thats stupid
Oh dear.
That’s bad.
I’ll never get these kinds of things. Why would you wanna do that to your boobs?
I thought it was nipples, but when I clicked it I was pretty confused because I thought it was some sort of limbs that had been amputated.
I’m more wondering if that’s a BDSM context. It looks like Japanese rope bondage ties – though I’ve usally seen the ropes extended down the torso.
I’ve played with a looser version of that photo, and for me, it seemed like it added stimulation with the blood trapped toward the ends of the breasts. I do wonder if really tight and left on a long time might indeed do damage; I don’t know.
looks like someone hates tits
I guessed right for once lol.
Nothing wrong with a bit of titty pain… but that was just horrendous!
The only challenging thing about this one, was that it wasn’t a challenge. Just like a few people said, “Hmm, looks like tits..therefore…MUST BE TESTICLES.”
Cause on modblog, it’s always cock.
ahhhhhhhh must search for boobs now argh get that sight out my head sorry but i love boobs
and they shudent be torched like that ahhhh
but enjoi ur self
yay! cupcakes!
ow ow ow ow ow ow owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Ohhhhhhh Nooooo!
Roo, can you get more info about this?
It makes me want to cry
Jordan – Click.
you’ll never guess this one?
it’s the easiest one I’ve ever seen! what could they possibly be other than nipples?
Ah, modblog forum comments as a reality check. I love seeing the horrified reactions to tit torture here, if only because it exposes the reality bubble of BME. On BME/HARD these pics are tame and easily glossed over by a regular ‘reader’ but expose them to the masses and see what happens.
Remember kids, BME ain’t the real world, it isn’t even vaguely reflective of the real world. It is a very small and sheltered place.
Just because most of us aren’t into tit torture doesn’t mean we should be referred to as ‘kids’. We aren’t on bme/hard so why should you insult us for not being knowledgeable about it?
I honestly still had no clue what it was until the last photo on the click through.
Yeaaaah, I got that it was nipples, but not in that context!
hhaaaa I GOT IT! that was soo easy….at first i was like “…..stumps? nahhh theyre nipples!’ mm looks like fun
Oh man. I was totally wrong. It looked like testicles with magnet implants or something ridiculous like that.
The fact that I got this right proves how thoroughly modblog has fucked me up.
I’m waiting for what bradly has to say about this…
I’m all gung-ho for some pain, but that was too much. I understand how demure it may be for BMEHARD, but that is why I don’t have an account for that.
Luna, try not being so sensitive and quick to assume the worst – the use of ‘kids’ was not at all, in any way, meant to derogatory. Its part of a turn of phrase lifted in a tongue in a cheek manner from the realm of instructional videos eg ‘Remember kids, only you can prevent the red menace from conquering the world’
I’m not into tit torture myself actually and I didn’t insult anyone for not being knowledgeable about it. I pointed out that the reactions in this more general setting serve as a counterpoint to those who spend so much time in sheltered forums that they begin to think of extreme behaviour as rather mundane.
I’d like to see what they look like with the rope removed – i.e. if they remained stretched out like that.
hah! I guess it! yay!
i dont think i have ever cringed more than i just did. my GOD. poor boobies
Bah, this one was easy.
how did i get this one wrong…
Wow those are really purple.
I thought it was when they turned purple that you should untie them so you don’t get tissue damage??
Heh. Got this one first try.
Its bizarre how people on here can see sliced up bloody modded penises and extremely altered testes and say ‘ meh..whatevah.’, but when faced with a shot of tit torture/breast bondage its ‘EEEK! OMFG!’
Never ceases to amaze me, what freaks people out.
Tits really do get that dark purpley blue when tied up. Much like testicles. Neat, huh?
ow ow ow ow ow…
their tits are gunna fall off.
thats an awkward hospital visit.