New to BME Shop: Unicorns and Cupcakes

We interrupt your regularly scheduled ModBlog to bring you this urgent news bulletin: Hot off the BME Shop presses is this brand new shirt designed by the wonderful Alie! The boss asked for a shirt with a unicorn and a cupcake, and Alie rose to the challenge. Now, look, we’re not saying this shirt will get you laid or anything, but…this shirt will absolutely get you laid. Click the picture to visit the BME Shop page.

28 thoughts on “New to BME Shop: Unicorns and Cupcakes

  1. Colin…Mike Giant wouldn’t call you…it’s long distance and wouldn’t be worth the lame argument.

  2. Colin…Mike Giant wouldn’t call you…it’s long distance and wouldn’t be worth the lame argument.

  3. No. It has nothing to do with body modification because nobody gets unicorns, cupcakes or virgin marys tattooed on them. I should have tattooed the unicorn and pierced the cupcake while splitting the veil like a bisected dick.

    PS. Colin, thanks for catching the Mike Giant influence since that’s what we were specifically going for.

  4. No. It has nothing to do with body modification because nobody gets unicorns, cupcakes or virgin marys tattooed on them. I should have tattooed the unicorn and pierced the cupcake while splitting the veil like a bisected dick.

    PS. Colin, thanks for catching the Mike Giant influence since that’s what we were specifically going for.

  5. “I should have tattooed the unicorn and pierced the cupcake while splitting the veil like a bisected dick. ”


    That would make a great scarification piece. =D

  6. “I should have tattooed the unicorn and pierced the cupcake while splitting the veil like a bisected dick. ”


    That would make a great scarification piece. =D

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