Johnny obviously knows how to live. I going to assume he paid Nina from Gypsy Rose in Calgary, AB in cash which he saved from his refusal to buy a razor.
P.S. Good Morning Modblog.
See more in “Hand Tattoos“ (Tattoos)
If you’d like to help BME become debt free, please consider sending a money order to help us pay our legal bills to:, LLC
443 N. Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Debt Free? But that isn’t the American dream! Oh right Canada.
I like it, original and bold, so they will hold up.
its everyone’s wish. pfft.
I like it! And good morning beautiful people.
Awesome beard, wonder how many years it took to grow?
i think the beard is more impressive than the tats.
but the tats are pretty damn funny.
haha Id send in money if I actually had any. Very individual knuckle tattoos. Rad shit man
awesome, congrats on the debt free-ness
Thanks for the kind words, all.
SeeeingRed, I’m not certain how much time I’ve got invested in this beard, but I’d guess it would be around 10 years.
isn’t that drew toothpaste?
@6: That’s what I first thought as well…
I’m a much better dancer than Drew.
Im kinda curious as to what legal bills BME needs paying? like whats new thats attacking BME.
It’s not new. It’s been over a year now.
In case it’s not obvious, post #11 is not me.
Awesome beard, I’m jealous
Yeah, I remember the first time I was smacked in the face by debt. Then after a little while of working, BAM BAM, debt free!
That’s exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!