BME Girls 05/08/2010


For those of you interested in seeing this batch of girls who submitted their pictures for  possible use in the upcoming BME Girls Calendar, keep on reading. If this isn’t your thing, come back later for other types of modblog post.

REMEMBER: Absolutely zero negative comments will be tolerated!!!!!!


Miss Kas
Danger Kirby

About being a featured girlThis event is open to all BME Girls age 18 and over. Girls of all shapes, sizes and race are encouraged to submit pictures. Contestants can be dressed or nude, but nothing too pornographic will be featured. Pictures need to be of decent quality, lest the readers condemn me to hell for posting webcam shots. Agreeing to be involved is consenting to be featured in the calendar, if you are selected for it. If you want to suggest someone, feel free to do so. I will contact them and see if they are interested, but no one will be featured without their explicit approval. To submit pictures, please email them to [email protected] Make sure to include your IAM: name (or real name) in your email.

About votingVotes will be tallied by emailing [email protected], just make the subject “Vote (insert name of girl you choose)” and your vote will be tallied. Voting last 7 days (168 hours) from the time the girl was posted.  Votes will be anonymous, there is no reason for anyone to know who voted for whom and how many votes each girl got.  Voting for one week ends when the following weeks post goes up. Please note, this isn’t about competition, it’s about a fun, interactive way to get the readers involved in the selection process.

About Commenting: I am enforcing a strict ZERO TOLERANCE policy for negative comments about the girls. They are being kind enough to share themselves with us and to help BME make a calendar, they should not have to fear public ridicule. Negative comments will be deleted, if we have a repeat offender, all of their future modblog comments will be sent to moderation. This isn’t about censorship, it’s about common courtesy and respect.

128 thoughts on “BME Girls 05/08/2010

  1. Nikki has that stunning girl-next-door look. Except with a bifurcated tongue. My favorite!
    Miss Kas has put on quite impressive outfits! =)
    I like Danger Kirby’s Mario themed tattoos.

    These lovely ladies inspire me to submit some pictures to BMEboys.

  2. Nikki has that stunning girl-next-door look. Except with a bifurcated tongue. My favorite!
    Miss Kas has put on quite impressive outfits! =)
    I like Danger Kirby’s Mario themed tattoos.

    These lovely ladies inspire me to submit some pictures to BMEboys.

  3. They are all so beautiful. Make me so jealous, I think I might cry……
    But I still love them especially Danger Kirby so pretty.

  4. They are all so beautiful. Make me so jealous, I think I might cry……
    But I still love them especially Danger Kirby so pretty.

  5. Why isn’t the voting done by poll?
    I find the fact you have to email pretty stupid.

  6. Why isn’t the voting done by poll?
    I find the fact you have to email pretty stupid.

  7. WOW
    i may be a gay man but hell
    i can appreciate beauty when i see and all these girls are just so gorgeous

  8. WOW
    i may be a gay man but hell
    i can appreciate beauty when i see and all these girls are just so gorgeous

  9. WOW
    i may be a gay man
    but i can appreciate beauty when i see it, and these girls are just so so gorgeous =]


  10. WOW
    i may be a gay man
    but i can appreciate beauty when i see it, and these girls are just so so gorgeous =]


  11. I did not know God made such splendid beauty until I saw the Danger Kirby Girl. WoW.

  12. I did not know God made such splendid beauty until I saw the Danger Kirby Girl. WoW.

  13. Hullo, I be Miss Kas!

    My ears were pointed by the loverly Mister Lukas Zpira when he toured Australia recently! 😀

    Thankyou sO much for the kind words! ^______^

  14. Hullo, I be Miss Kas!

    My ears were pointed by the loverly Mister Lukas Zpira when he toured Australia recently! 😀

    Thankyou sO much for the kind words! ^______^

  15. Kirby all the way. Ha, stunning all the way through. Brings a new perspective to creativity and beauty.

  16. Kirby all the way. Ha, stunning all the way through. Brings a new perspective to creativity and beauty.

  17. This is DangerKirby! Thank you guys for all the nice responses!

    You guys can find me on myspace/dangerkirby or FB under Stephanie Kirby 🙂

  18. This is DangerKirby! Thank you guys for all the nice responses!

    You guys can find me on myspace/dangerkirby or FB under Stephanie Kirby 🙂

  19. @NikiNack , voting is done by email to keep it anonymous. A lot of girls when I first presented this idea, were opposed to the “competition” aspect of it. Obviously, it has to be a competition to some extent to keep it down to a model a month, but doing it through email makes that aspect less apparent.

    It also makes tallying votes easier for me as the votes are all in one place.

  20. @NikiNack , voting is done by email to keep it anonymous. A lot of girls when I first presented this idea, were opposed to the “competition” aspect of it. Obviously, it has to be a competition to some extent to keep it down to a model a month, but doing it through email makes that aspect less apparent.

    It also makes tallying votes easier for me as the votes are all in one place.

  21. DANGER KIRBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im such a fan………………….Im so going to stock you know, finally……………

  22. DANGER KIRBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im such a fan………………….Im so going to stock you know, finally……………

  23. nikki for me dudes ^^ gorgeous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. nikki for me dudes ^^ gorgeous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Sean – when is the deadline to submit photos by? I’m currently traveling and won’t be able to submit photos until May 17 or 18… I wanna be a BME girl! ^_^

  26. Sean – when is the deadline to submit photos by? I’m currently traveling and won’t be able to submit photos until May 17 or 18… I wanna be a BME girl! ^_^

  27. I’m not an actor, but I play one on tv


    I vote for the lovely Ms Kas, although, really, it’s way hard to choose. All three of them are so gorgeous!

  28. I’m not an actor, but I play one on tv


    I vote for the lovely Ms Kas, although, really, it’s way hard to choose. All three of them are so gorgeous!

  29. Kas has been continuously amazing me with not only her beauty but her amazing unique look, no photo is the same, each one fome her stance, expression, make up and accessorys. she truly is a rare treasure to find and I would even use the word Icon. her photos can capture you for hourse upon hours.

    I think you would have to be crazy to vote for anyone but Kas.

    /votes Kas ^ ^

  30. Kas has been continuously amazing me with not only her beauty but her amazing unique look, no photo is the same, each one fome her stance, expression, make up and accessorys. she truly is a rare treasure to find and I would even use the word Icon. her photos can capture you for hourse upon hours.

    I think you would have to be crazy to vote for anyone but Kas.

    /votes Kas ^ ^

  31. Kas ftw! Although Nikki’s tongue split and lobes makes her a fair mega babe!

  32. Kas ftw! Although Nikki’s tongue split and lobes makes her a fair mega babe!

  33. Nikki is great, very cute and not over the top like other girls. But Danger Kirby has a little bit of “nerd bonus” with thos boo tattoos, and she has a squid neclace (or however you call this in english), and hell, even her name is awesome 😀

  34. Nikki is great, very cute and not over the top like other girls. But Danger Kirby has a little bit of “nerd bonus” with thos boo tattoos, and she has a squid neclace (or however you call this in english), and hell, even her name is awesome 😀

  35. yay, classy ladies not trashy ladies. love it. Artistic beauty, I was hesitant to click but I’m glad I did. I like how the posts have shown more mods that fit in subtly and accent the persons image rather than just take it over

  36. yay, classy ladies not trashy ladies. love it. Artistic beauty, I was hesitant to click but I’m glad I did. I like how the posts have shown more mods that fit in subtly and accent the persons image rather than just take it over

  37. Kas !!! Only met her a handful of times, but she’s fast becoming one of the best ppl i’ve met this year so far !

  38. Kas !!! Only met her a handful of times, but she’s fast becoming one of the best ppl i’ve met this year so far !

  39. Nice ‘hawk Miss Kas! mines’ bigger than yours tho…. 😀 But you have more width, which is nice on a girl, so kudos to you!

  40. Nice ‘hawk Miss Kas! mines’ bigger than yours tho…. 😀 But you have more width, which is nice on a girl, so kudos to you!

  41. Miss Kas for sure!
    She is by far the most beautiful girl on this page!!!!!
    I am not only inspired by all of her pictures, I am slightly turned on 😛

  42. Miss Kas for sure!
    She is by far the most beautiful girl on this page!!!!!
    I am not only inspired by all of her pictures, I am slightly turned on 😛

  43. and i vote for miss cas. she has the stunning beauty of an angel

  44. and i vote for miss cas. she has the stunning beauty of an angel

  45. Nikki allllllll the way homeeeeeeeee

    She’s a gorgeous girl, with a gorgeous soul…

  46. Nikki allllllll the way homeeeeeeeee

    She’s a gorgeous girl, with a gorgeous soul…

  47. gah makes me want to submit pictures/ makes me want a gf even more than I already do! Why can’t I find me a cute gay bme girl in buffalo 😡

  48. gah makes me want to submit pictures/ makes me want a gf even more than I already do! Why can’t I find me a cute gay bme girl in buffalo 😡

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