Basket weaving is so 10,000 years ago

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a surface weaving project of this scope, and seeing as how it is by Arawak from Saintes, France, the man responsible for the Marilyn Munroe portrait, it’s nice to see a follow up to the piece.


I really like how the Charlie Chaplin image is able to take a simple play piercing design, and connect the dots to form a distinct image.  The surface weaving gallery is pretty small so if this is something you’re capable of doing, please send in the images, as the potential for some incredible designs is huge with this technique.

If you want to see the before and after images, just keep on reading.



Now I know that right away you can see that the original image has been slightly photoshopped.  Normally I wouldn’t post an image that is obviously photoshopped, but given that it is only to remove the tattoo, and the galleries show that Arawak has done this type of project before, I don’t believe anything dealing with the surface weaving specifically has been altered in any way.

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