When it comes to cover-ups, Jackie Rabbit doesn’t mess around. Take a look at these before and after photos and you can see just how well she was able to remove any trace of the original work. Plus she was able to take elements of the original design and expand on them greatly to create the portrait that you see in the final photo.
Oh, and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong about the type of soldier this is. My knowledge of ancient armor is limited to a couple of history classes and Hollywood, so if this isn’t a Roman Legionary, I apologize.
oh, you are so corny
oh, you are so corny
Amazing work, but the owner had better be happy this time, ’cause this one would be a lot harder to cover up! Of course, with a tattoo that beautiful, how could you not be happy? But I digress…
Amazing work, but the owner had better be happy this time, ’cause this one would be a lot harder to cover up! Of course, with a tattoo that beautiful, how could you not be happy? But I digress…
Oh, I do love these before and afters- like the ink equivalent of ‘DIY SoS’. Great work! My knowledge of ancient armour is limited to Roman Centurion and that’s it. If I was looking at a thumbnail of this without my lenses in I would have said white MF Doom…..
Oh, I do love these before and afters- like the ink equivalent of ‘DIY SoS’. Great work! My knowledge of ancient armour is limited to Roman Centurion and that’s it. If I was looking at a thumbnail of this without my lenses in I would have said white MF Doom…..
10 pts for MF DOOM! (vervain and lemongrass)
Good coverup…Reminds me of that Spartacus show. I like listening to history, but rubbish with association.
10 pts for MF DOOM! (vervain and lemongrass)
Good coverup…Reminds me of that Spartacus show. I like listening to history, but rubbish with association.
I can’t get over the helmet and how it’s shaded. Gorgeous!
I can’t get over the helmet and how it’s shaded. Gorgeous!
This is a fantastic cover up!
This is a fantastic cover up!
That would be a Spartan. I thought everybody has seen 300 by now.
That would be a Spartan. I thought everybody has seen 300 by now.
y thank you guys
i was so pissed when this guy came in. he and his brother are regular and favorite customers at Star city but i wanted to riing his neck when he told me what he wanted and that it HAD to be drawn and completed THAT DAY. he was shipping out to training and deployment to Afghanistan the next morning. he and his brother are wonderful guys that come from a long line of self-less soldiers… thus the spartan warrior. i may have grumbled at him and done a lot of finger-wagging for putting a piece like this on me last minute…. but i was really quite happy to make a soldier smile and see him off happily. i hope the Spartan warrior can be a strong totem to see him home safe.
y thank you guys
i was so pissed when this guy came in. he and his brother are regular and favorite customers at Star city but i wanted to riing his neck when he told me what he wanted and that it HAD to be drawn and completed THAT DAY. he was shipping out to training and deployment to Afghanistan the next morning. he and his brother are wonderful guys that come from a long line of self-less soldiers… thus the spartan warrior. i may have grumbled at him and done a lot of finger-wagging for putting a piece like this on me last minute…. but i was really quite happy to make a soldier smile and see him off happily. i hope the Spartan warrior can be a strong totem to see him home safe.
It’s a Spartan Hoplite (4th-5th century BC Greek/Macedonian footsoldier) NOT a Roman Legionary (1st century BC-3rd century AD Italian footsoldier)
The helmets are radically different. The early period Hoplite helmet (corinthian) had large cheek plates & nose guard, sometimes coming together to form a full face mask..
The Legionary’s helmet was more open-faced,with no nose guard and smaller,articulated cheek plates. Horsehair plumes were not commonly worn.
(I’ll get down from my soapbox now;just realised my ‘inner geek’ is showing ;))
It’s a Spartan Hoplite (4th-5th century BC Greek/Macedonian footsoldier) NOT a Roman Legionary (1st century BC-3rd century AD Italian footsoldier)
The helmets are radically different. The early period Hoplite helmet (corinthian) had large cheek plates & nose guard, sometimes coming together to form a full face mask..
The Legionary’s helmet was more open-faced,with no nose guard and smaller,articulated cheek plates. Horsehair plumes were not commonly worn.
(I’ll get down from my soapbox now;just realised my ‘inner geek’ is showing ;))
That’s amazing! Such a fantastic portrait, and the helmet really is amazing.
@ Tiamet – not inner geek, just inner well versed historian
That’s amazing! Such a fantastic portrait, and the helmet really is amazing.
@ Tiamet – not inner geek, just inner well versed historian
@Tiamet: Thanks. I knew someone would be able to clarify that.
Although that totally kills my awesome headline.
@Tiamet: Thanks. I knew someone would be able to clarify that.
Although that totally kills my awesome headline.
this is SPARTA(n) !!!!!!!!!!!!
this is SPARTA(n) !!!!!!!!!!!!
VERY nice coverup work!
VERY nice coverup work!
cover-up aside, this is just an incredibly well done piece of art. the fact that its a cover-up just makes it even more amazing.
cover-up aside, this is just an incredibly well done piece of art. the fact that its a cover-up just makes it even more amazing.
got a lil somethin to admit ;p…. the helmet i snaged from a pic off of a costume shop website. it was from a “spartan” costume lol ;p no historical accuracy what so ever
got a lil somethin to admit ;p…. the helmet i snaged from a pic off of a costume shop website. it was from a “spartan” costume lol ;p no historical accuracy what so ever