Think about it. It’s the weekend of July 2nd. A day after Canada and 2 days before the 4th of July. You’re sitting next to the pool with a drink in your hand and friends all around you. To your right, a couple of people are suspending from a tree. Behind them, a pack of tattooed and pierced adults are acting like the biggest kids ever as they bounce around inside a bouncy castle. Over by the house a couple of goats are trying to steal some of the burger buns while a big bearded guy is cooking on the BBQ.
Sounds good right? Well to make it happen all you have to do is turn up for BMEFest 2011!! Just outside of Richmond, VA, BME-HQ is opening up its doors to everyone for the whole weekend! July 2nd-4th will be filled with craziness the likes we haven’t seen since the last BMEFest a few years ago. It’s the perfect time to catch up with old friends and make some new ones. Here’s just a couple of the highlights of the weekend:
- Lots of room for tents
- Swimming pool
- Bonfire (That I will NOT be jumping in this time)
- Food will be provided, but only the basics like burgers, veggies, and chicken. If you want something else, feel free to bring it. Oh, and if you’re over 21, bring the booze (just don’t drive afterwards)
- Suspensions/Pullings – Cere from ROP will be facilitating suspensions, along with other practitioners who will be in attendance.
- And last but not least… BOUNCY CASTLES!!! SLIP’N’SLIDES!!! AND MORE!!!
The rest of the details can be found on the event page. BMEtv will also be filming that weekend, so if you’re up for sitting down with the crew, just let us know through the event forum.
So don’t wait, go to the event page and sign up today! (Note: People have been reporting problems signing up with newer versions of browsers. Safari and IE are both known to work if you encounter any problems.)
Team BME tattoo by Nill from Rangel Tattoo in Salvador, Brazil. Sent in by Mportnoi
I plan on buying/bringing copious amounts of smore-making materials, and of course, being one of those hanging from a tree. See all of you there.
Print out a photo of me and attach it to a stick. It’ll be like I’m there! So sorry to be missing it this year.
uggggh! (charlie brown style)
i would kill to go! too far away…
I so can’t wait!
my IAM account has expired, so i don’t think i can RSVP (unless i’m overlooking something).. so, uh.. i am RSVP-ing here!
I will be there with atleast one other person (maybe 2).. looking forward to doing a pull if there will be anyone who can hook me up (no pun intended).. har har. SO EXCITED! 
Is this for IAM members only?