44 thoughts on “Some sort of ladder

  1. hahah the peircings look like a slug or something with googley eyes. hahaha.

  2. The nice thing about the way this was done is that she could also use BB and string them through giving another amazing chastity look.

  3. well what i see is just unsanitary. i mean, when you sweat and crap you get smelly and need a good cleaning down there, i mean, urine, sweat, vaginal discharge…all trapped! and can’t be wiped/washed! yuck!

  4. #4 Er, are you sure the area there can’t be washed?

    A good soak in a bath would ensure all areas (inside and out) smell as sweet as roses.

    I love this and feel it would make a great feminist piece of iconography.

  5. my guess is that the rings are for show and fashion while they change out for rings on both sides or small curved bars for daily wear. I could, of course, be completely wrong.

  6. The vulva is more like the inside of the body than the outside. Like the internal tissues, it can generally handle it’s own cleaning. It usually doesn’t need the kind of maintenance that skin and other exterior tissues benefit from.

    Very cool ladder piercing. I love ladders and chastity piercings, that kind of thing. There’s something about them that seems very empowering, and elegant at once.

  7. Was I the only one who got tricked?

    I though ‘Surely he wouldn’t make it this easy’

    I just naturally figured it would be an asshole ladder.. I don’t have anal obsession issues.

  8. #19 how does that look like a asshole? haha
    it would have to be pretty damn loose

    someone should do an ass ladder though

  9. Mm, yes, very easy to guess.

    Probably the nicest labia ladder I’ve seen, it’ve very very pretty.

  10. “The vulva is more like the inside of the body than the outside. Like the internal tissues, it can generally handle it’s own cleaning. It usually doesn’t need the kind of maintenance that skin and other exterior tissues benefit from.”

    Um, I don’t know about that Mark; a vulva mightn’t need soap or other cleansers, but just like a cock with a foreskin, it gets pretty smelly/cheesy/gross etc. if it’s not at least thoroughly rinsed with water. Having said that though, I saw on tellie that some desert tribes use a sort of incense to waft around their genitals and armpits to deodorise themselves when they’ve got no water, but still, their genitals don’t clean themselves.

  11. this is one of the few times i actually guessed right. Very interesting, but definately wouldn’t be a long term thing for most people.

  12. Unfortunately, that was way, way too obvious. Others have thrown me, but that one is typical to what I do almost every night of the week. Nice healing though, I have to admit. The moisture content and bacterial presence don’t always make a ladder in that area the most condusive to superb healing. I credit the artist and subject both…. :o)

  13. Um, #28, you’re wrong. Guys should not comment on these things. Internally, it cleans itself. The exterior lips just need flushed with water. It’s actually harmful to the good bacteria that live inside to use soap or cleansers. i see no problem with leaving the piercing closed like that for long term

  14. Great ladder!
    Easy to clean too if you know how to take care of your labia!

  15. These always confuse me when I wonder about going to the bathroom and having sex.

  16. Wow, Shannon, I’m impressed! It’s not a cock for a change! 😉

    Also, I’m impressed with myself that I finally recognized one.

    And, I’m impressed with the artist. Nice work!

  17. Come on people, the labias aren’t glued SHUT hahah. Of course it is possible to still wash down there and go to the bathroom… yes, no sex but #35 said it best heh.
    Very pretty 🙂

  18. Yes, yes I can tell. After a few of these you realise you’re hardly spoilt for choice, and the way the skin looks usually gives it away.

  19. honestly at first glance I thought it might be something with balls like the skin at both ends pulled together but then I realised it wasn’t really wrinkly enough.

    Gotta say though.. that’s one of the prettiest and cleanest/well healed ones I’ve ever seen. Most are in the healing process or not nearly as complete or just plain dirty looking, uneven or scarred. This one is just absolutely perfect, it really makes it look good. Good job artist and sucject alike!

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