- 2007-05-02: MI: TATstore Introduces the Latest Advances in Airbrush Tattoos [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: WV: Moms with tattoos are really cool [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: WI: King of Ink Program to Honor Tattoo Artists, Reward Consumers [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: NC: Lasers erase tattoos, but experts are wary [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: USA: Celebrity Skin: The Rosie Tattoo [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: AR: Ask the Doctors – Branding [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: WY: County bans tongue and genital piercing [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: CA: Tattoo parlors may be allowed in Watsonville [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: PA: Shinglehouse teen does senior project on tattoos [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: OK: Tattoo artist unaffected by regulation challenge [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: MN: Tattoos, burgers with foie gras and pie, oh my [by Ribibe]
- 2007-05-02: NM: Duke City ink: I’m not a cool mom, and that’s OK [by Ribibe]
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