2011 BME Year End Awards

Woops! Looks like somebody forgot to hit “post” on the 2011 Year End Awards! At least we didn’t forget to send out the Gift Certificates though! If you’re on the list below, check your email because you were sent anywhere from $20 to $1000. That’s right! We’ve gone from t-shirts to cold hard cash (gift certificates are like cash, right?!) If you see yourself on this page and didn’t see your gift certificate email then drop me a line at [email protected] and I’ll send it to you again!

If you haven’t noticed, the new leader boards are up. They’re linked in the footer on BME.com and we’ve also gone back in time (up to 2001 anyway!) and added leader boards for every year! This is the first year that we’ve also got video contributions so that’s another new thing we’re doing.

If you look at the numbers you’re probably thinking, “woah, wasn’t the top contributor 45k images for 2009?” and you’d be right. We’ve been trying to figure out how to make it as easy as it used to be to submit images and we thought the best way would be to make it so that you could email your submissions like you did since the dawn of BME. Give us a couple more weeks to finish working out the kinks and you’ll be able to email your submissions to the site just like the good ole days! We’re also busy working on integration into other sites so you’ll be able to update all of your social sites from BME and vice versus! You’ll be able to manage everything you want from BME with the bonus that you can keep your BME only entries safe behind IAM’s walls while sending out your other posts! No more having to log in to 20 different sites just to get your FB/twitter/tumblr/linkedin/so many other sites, can’t possible name them all,  on!

Once again, I can’t thank you enough for contributing to BME. Check the leader boards to see where you ranked on collecting a cool cash prize! We’re going to start doing monthly gift certificate give aways to the top contributors in the photo and video galleries once the email submission tool is back online and I think we’ll see the submission numbers back to where they used to be. The one bonus is that our Year End Awards got to see some new faces because they didn’t have to upload tens of thousands of photos just to have a shot! While that was fun for one year, lets get back to submitting tens of thousands of photos, videos and stories!

Top 10 Image Contributors
1. 856 images

2. 469 images
Naoise-Ryan Israel
3. 454 images
The Sinner Team
4. 451 images
5. 399 images
6. 341 images
7. 292 images
Self Sacrifice
8. 248 images
9. 243 images
10. 156 images

Top 10 Video Contributors

1. 132 videos
2. 56 videos
3. 50 videos
4. 33 videos
5. 26 videos
6. 25 videos
7. 24 videos
8. 22 videos
9. 20 videos
9. 20 videos
9. 20 videos
10. 17 videos

Top 3 Story Contributors

1. 3 stories
1. 3 stories
1. 3 stories

A big SHOUT OUT!!! goes out to the following people for being generally awesome and more specific things they’ve done to help BME keep ticking!

Sean Phillips

Sean helps out whenever we need him and he’s got a few minutes to spare. Sean being around makes me feel old since he’s been a member of BME since the dawn of time!

Katie McShady

Katie was awesome and helped out with BMEshop while I got back into the swing of things after the cross country move from LA to VA. If you got orders in 2011, Katie and her beautiful hair probably graced your goods with her presence! 🙂


Midian has also been around for over a DECADE and he’s continued to throw the SoCal BME BBQ come hell or high water! If you’re looking for a BME BBQ on the West Coast to meet fellow BME members, his BBQ is the place to be!


Nano also touched every single one of your BMEshop orders for most of 2011, that is until he got himself denied entry! That’s what you get for being an international playboy! We love Nano and miss him dearly!


A huge “thank you” goes out to past and present editorial contributors to BME. Everyone has continued to grow with their own projects and while some former contributors to BME have been swamped with their own projects, it wouldn’t be right not to thank them for everything they’ve done in the past and what they continue to do not only for BME but for the community at large! Without them, BME wouldn’t have grown in the way it has over the past 18 years!

Allen Falkner
Roundtable, Author


Russ Foxx
Ask.BME staff

Ron Garza
Roundtable, Author

Warren Hiller
Ask.BME staff

Derek Lowe
Ask.BME, Roundtable

John Joyce
Roundtable member

Paul King

Lexci Million
Ask.BME staff

Ryan Ouellette
Ask.BME, Roundtable

Sean Philips
Ask.BME staff, Modblog

Shawn Porter
Ask.BME, Author

Efix Roy
Ask.BME staff

Joy Rumore

Lori St. Leone
Ask.BME staff

Steve Truitt
Roundtable member

Tiff Badhairdo
Ask.BME staff

Brian Decker
Roundtable member

Stephen DeToma
Roundtable member

BME Staff

BME staff.. What can I say about the people listed below? You know and love (well most of them!) dearly because some of them (Mike and Jen!) have been around BME for almost as long as it’s been online! There is a newcomer in the group and his name is Diego! He’s our new programmer and he’s been fixing bugs, adding new features and generally kicking ass since he hit the ground running!

For those of you who didn’t notice, Mike moved from the snowy horridness of the New England area to sunny Hawaii and we are all so jealous it makes us want to do very bad things to him.. Very bad! We let it slide though because when the servers hit the floor, Mike is the first one there to pick them up and put them back where they belong! Without Mike, BME would have had some serious outages over the years!

If you’ve had any kind of issue with your account, you’ve talked to Jen. She was possibly grumpy and short (she can’t help being 4′ 11″!) but she probably solved your issue and got you back on the site! Jen has been solving member issues since 2004! She took over 10 years ago after I had my daughter and couldn’t keep up with member support while juggling everything else BME and a beautiful baby girl!

I’m not sure that Rob needs any kind of introduction. He sorts through the moderation queue and pulls out submissions to showcase on modblog. He takes your beatings when “nothing new and ground breaking” has been posted because he hasn’t been out on the street inventing body modifications because he’s too busy moderating content and posting links to body modification news around the web. We also like him because of his thick skin!

ModBlog Beard Guy
Sys-Admin Guy
Tropical Sys-Admin Guy

I know I’ve been MIA from Modblog and IAM for most of 2011 but that’s because I’ve been busy behind the scenes. Between going back to being a full time Mom, running BMEshop single handed and dealing with non-stop medical issues, I haven’t had the time that I’d like to post online in general. I’m hoping that we’re able to wrap up fixing all of the issues with rebuilding the site from the ground up and that I can move on to building fun features and new applications for BME. I have a TON of stuff launching in the next few months and I’m hoping that lightens the load on all of us here at BME. I know that people often give credit to the staff of BME for it being what it is but it truly is a community effort. BME wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for the collective efforts of millions of body modification enthusiasts world wide. Without you, there wouldn’t be BME. I hope to see you on the Year End Awards next year!

Wrapping it up for the year

It’s been a while since we’ve done them, but the BME Year-End Awards are coming up!  Now, because we didn’t do them last year, we’ll be doing the 2010** awards this month as well.  Now if you don’t know what the awards are, they’re how we recognize the top contributors to BME.  We look at 3 categories, photos, videos, and experiences*.  The top 10 in each category win fabulous prizes!

Now in the past, with the way the system worked is that we’d cut off submissions for the year end awards some time in December.  This year, with all the changes to the site, we can now take submissions up until midnight on December 31st.  So that means if you’re one of the top contributors come New Year’s Day, you’ll be getting a gift certificate to the BMEShop.  In past years we’ve given away t-shirts, but this time we thought it would be nice if the winners got to choose what they received.  Here’s how the prizes break down.  The top 10 contributors in each category will each win the following:

  • 1st place: $1000
  • 2nd place: $500
  • 3rd place: $250
  • 4th place: $100
  • 5th place: $50
  • 6th place: $40
  • 7th place: $30
  • 8th place: $30
  • 9th place: $30
  • 10th place: $20

If you do the math we’re giving away over six thousand dollars in prizes this year!

So what does this mean to you?  Well you’ve still got a few weeks to send in your submissions, so before the end of December upload your photos, videos and experiences* to BME.  Who knows, if you’ve submitted enough to be in the top ten, you’ll be getting a prize!  If you’ve been sitting on a bunch of photos that you haven’t uploaded yet, now is the time!

Now, all that said, we know there were some problems with the t-shirts in 2009 (I’m looking at you Angela).  If you were a winner of a 2009 year end award, and did not receive your shirt, send an e-mail to [email protected] with your shipping address, phone number, and shirt size (mens sm-2xl or womens s-xl), and we’ll send them out.

On top of all of this, the BME New Year’s Eve party is coming up!  We’re only a few days away from bonfires, suspensions, and all kinds of shenanigans!  Check the event listing for all the details!  BMEHQ is located right near King’s Dominion in Virginia, just outside of Richmond.

*Top 10 consists of the top 10 BME members who have submitted more than 1 experience.
**2010 prizes will be announced at a later date.

BMEShop Year End Sale!  Coupon Code: holiday20off

40% off Diablo Ogranics Jewelry!! Coupon Code: 40offdiablo

5000th Order Shipped Out Receives $100 Gift Certificate!

2009 BME Year End Awards

Happy New Year!! Let’s start this off by giving away free stuff!

It must have been the year I turned 21 that each day started by passing more and more quickly. I remember being 12 thinking I”d never be 16, then 18, then 21 and now I’m 4 months away from being 30. It means another year of growing BME has come and gone. It seems like the 2008 Awards were posted just a few days ago but it’s been a year. A whole year. We’ve seen so many ups and downs. This year marks the largest contribution by one person over the course of a year, which is also the largest contribution by one person during a year in the history of BME. There are also a couple faces here from last year that we couldn’t kick off the leader boards if we tried. Perk900, I’m talking to you, let’s see you get first place next year!! With this being the last day of 2009, I figured I’d kick it off right and present the 2009 Year End Contributor Awards!

You’ll also note that if you check the leader boards you’ll see different people listed in the top ten for image contributions than are listed below. Our 2nd and 3rd place winner is actually the same person so they’ve been combined and Jen gets disqualified and doesn’t get to win a contributor staff shirt because she already gets one for being staff! That moves everybody up one or two spots and that’s how we’ve come up with the list below.

If you are on the list, you’ll be contacted by me personally. If you don’t hear from me, check your spam or please email me with your address and shirt size to [email protected]. We will be sending out a very special surprise to the top contributor in each section!

I’m throwing in some BME trivia for you all to enjoy as well:

BME Facts:
Photos: 4,493,138
Experiences: 46,980
Videos: 7,942 (plus more that have been posted on Modblog!)
Posts on Modblog: 8,061
Comments on Modblog alone: 177,491
Average Daily Modblog readers; 112,387
Tattoo & Piercing Shops listed on 411.BME: 10,680 (not including the shops that are pending verification
Countries with users on BME: 70
Ask.BME answers: 1,083 (not including the previous version of the QOD)
Ask.BME comments: 2,870

There are tons of other things I haven’t included but I just wanted to show what we have all built together and thank you all again for contributing to BME and making the site what it is today.


1. 45,802 images


Kitano Karyuudo

See the rest of this year’s top contributors after the break!

2. 15,488 images
3. 2,717 images

4. 1.014 images

5. 872 images
6. 626 images
China Tattoo Portfolio
7. 577images

Allen Falkner
8. 560 images
9. 559 images
10. 473 images


. 7 experiences


2. 7 experiences

3. 6 experiences (tie)


3. 6 experiences (tie)
4. 5 experiences (tie)

4. 5 experiences (tie)
4. 5 experiences (tie)


4. 5 experiences (tie)

4. 5 experiences (tie)


Experience Reviewers:

I wanted to add in a special thank you to our reviewing volunteers who vote on experiences so they can be added to the site. Without them, Jen and I would be reading a lot of experiences and going cross eyed. Experience reviewers earn credits towards limited edition tshirts through out the year. The 25 linked are logged by experience reviews for all time, not broken down by year which is why they’re generally not included in the Year End Awards but I wanted to give them some extra recognition and say thank you again for the reviewing that you do. I appreciate it a lot.


Tiff Badhairdo
Ask.BME staff

Meg Barber
Roundtable member,

Brian Decker
Roundtable member

Stephen DeToma
Roundtable member

Allen Falkner
Roundtable, Author


Russ Foxx
Ask.BME staff

Ron Garza
Roundtable, Author

Warren Hiller
Ask.BME staff

Derek Lowe
Ask.BME, Roundtable

John Joyce
Roundtable member

Paul King

Lexci Million
Ask.BME staff

Ryan Ouellette
Ask.BME, Roundtable

Sean Philips
Ask.BME staff, Modblog

Shawn Porter
Ask.BME, Author

Efix Roy
Ask.BME staff

Joy Rumore

Lori St. Leone
Ask.BME staff

Steve Truitt
Roundtable member

James Weber
APP Author

Since everyone works from home, I’m not able to give each and every one of them a huge hug and say thank you for all the help that they do behind the scenes in making BME such a great place, not to mention keeping it updated, the servers running properly and the members happy! If you can, drop them a line and say thanks! Without them, I’d probably go crazier than I already am!


Phil Barbosa

Image processing, party
planning, mustache rides

Mike Brum

Server maintenance,
TOS banhammer

Jen Savage
Customer service,
loud noises


Jordan Ginsberg
Former Witty Guy who took amost two
years of beatdowns courtesy of

RooRaaah Crumbs

Tristan Henry-Wilson
Designer Extroidinarre, whom we
call upon from time to time!

Jonathon Marshall
Our thanks still go out to Jon who helps us
whenever we need him!

Former Admin

Shannon Larratt
BME’s founder and former EIC

I can’t thank everyone enough for continuing to support BME, not only the site itself but the community that it has fostered over the years. I look forward to a new year with new goals, obstacles and hopefully many many triumphs. The first one being the long overdue launch of the new Beta BME Galleries, then the rest of BME and finally the transition of IAM onto the new software. I’ll be able to start adding new features, aside from the ones already implemented in the new site, and BME can continue to grow while giving itself back to the community where it belongs. I can’t wait!

I also wanted to give a special thank you to the people who have contributed to BME’s Legal Defense Fund. To date we’ve raised $1,470.00, which certainly helps. As I’ve mentioned before any and cost recovered if we’re awarded attorney’s fees will be donated to BME’s Legal Defense Fund that I’ve started to help defend the body modification community at large.

And now what you’ve all been waiting for, this year’s award is the t-shirt below! I wanted to figure out how to make a shirt that said “I was a top contributor to BME and all I got was a bag of dicks!” but Alie K. came up with this great design! Check more of her work out at GoodTattoos.ca if you want to get tattooed by her or need someone to do design work. She’s come up with more than a few gems for BMEshop.


Rachel Larratt

* * *

2008 BME Year-End Awards

Some may find it trite to say things like, “Without the readers, none of this would be possible,” but with BME it could not be more true — each and every year, the community sustains us. Without you, there would be nothing here, and we’re routinely awed by the amount and quality of submissions we receive. This year, we published thousands upon thousands of new photos and experiences, to say nothing of guest articles, Ask.BME contributions and roundtable participation, and that, friends, is incredible. And now, on with the awards!



1. 8,707 images


2. 5,834 images
Kitano Karyuudo
3. 2,930 images
4. 1,476 images
Joao Caldara
5. 1,339 images
6. 1,027 images
7. 995 images
8. 979 images
Allen Falkner
9. 929 images
10. 903 images


1. 12 experiences

2. 10 experiences

3. 9 experiences
Deadly Pale

4. 8 experiences

5. 7 experiences (tie)

5. 7 experiences (tie)

7. 5 experiences (tie)

7. 5 experiences (tie)
Metal Faced Yazzy

7. 5 experiences (tie)

7. 5 experiences (tie)
Melissa Rose

7. 5 experiences (tie)

7. 5 experiences (tie)


Tiff Badhairdo
Ask.BME staff
Meg Barber
Roundtable member
Brian Decker
Roundtable member
Stephen DeToma
Roundtable member
Allen Falkner
Roundtable, Author
Russ Foxx
Ask.BME staff
Ron Garza
Roundtable, Author
Warren Hiller
Ask.BME staff
Derek Lowe
Ask.BME, Roundtable
John Joyce
Roundtable member
Paul King
Lexci Million
Ask.BME staff
Ryan Ouellette
Ask.BME, Roundtable
Sean Philips
Ask.BME staff
Shawn Porter
Ask.BME, Author
Efix Roy
Ask.BME staff
Joy Rumore
Lori St. Leone
Ask.BME staff
Steve Truitt
Roundtable member
James Weber


Phil Barbosa
Image processing, party
planning, mustache rides

Mike Brum
Server maintenance,
TOS banhammer

Jason Cartwright
Programmer, code-

RooRaaah Crumbs
BMEvideo guru, Mod-
Blogger, whimsy

Jordan Ginsberg
Managing editor, head
writer, dick jokes

Tristan Henry-Wilson
Graphics, T-shirt
design, lithe
Jen Savage
Customer service,
loud noises

Jonathon Marshall
Former programmer and
over-all tech genie

Rachel Larratt
Publisher, Editor-in-
Chief, BMEshop, HBIC




If you’re pictured above, BME will contact you privately. Thanks again, everyone, and we’re looking very forward to an even bigger and better 2009!

* * *

Please consider buying a membership to BME so we can continue bringing you articles like this one.



Let me first apologize for the terrible layout and style of this piece… I thought it was more important to get it online than to waste time prettying it up.

Thanks again to everyone for a year full of wonderful pictures, articles, and experiences. I think we (everyone from the person who helped financially, to the person who submitted a single navel piercing, to the megacontributors) did a great job bringing BME into it’s thirteenth year online, and continue to stay true to the reasons it was started in the first place… Essentially, to let people know that the way they feel is not just normal, but valuable.

For the second year in a row, our over top contributor was KitanoKaryuudo (who is pictured to the right) with a truly staggering 6,526 images submitted in 2006. What’s even more amazing is that Kokomi (another BME/HARD ultracontributor, and last year’s second place contributor) was only twelve images shy! Even outside of the BME/HARD realm, the top contributors submitted just amazing numbers of images. It blows my mind how generous everyone continues to be with their time. I can not thank you enough.

Anyway, I try to do these things a little differently every year. This year I decided it might be fun to do a regional breakdown, so I split the contributions into regions that roughly represented the number of contributions they generated… On the lists below you can see those winners along with their local and overall ranking. Links go to their IAM pages.


# Submissions Contact
1 1 6,526 KitanoKaryuudo
2 29 592 Crazy Glamour
3 37 507 Sui Otoko
4 61 304 nobcatz
5 62 300 BME/HARD – Anonymous
# Submissions Contact
1 2 6,514 kokomi.3k
2 8 1,991 madmax
3 14 1,447 BME/HARD – Anonymous
4 15 1,391 bena
5 25 657 BME/HARD – Anonymous
6 33 547 babakhin
7 34 543 BME/HARD – Anonymous
8 40 480 BME/HARD – Anonymous
9 49 413 tan0k
10 53 403 Shadark
# Submissions Contact
1 3 3,056 RussFoxx
2 6 2,362 Lexci Million
3 10 1,705 Holy Flesh
4 20 834 jasonvandervee
5 27 599 Efix
6 31 580 lilfunky1
7 35 521 Myke
8 55 387 Cerra
9 57 358 Vex Hecubus
10 70 258 JesseV
# Submissions Contact
1 4 2,775 perk900
2 5 2,426 stainless
3 9 1,739 SteveBennett
4 16 1,372 Big Rick
5 17 970 KIVAKA
6 26 606 j_scarab
7 32 552 holeybody
8 36 507 BME/HARD – Anonymous
9 43 445 Allen Falkner
10 44 435 Shawn O’Hare
11 46 423 MUTE-ONE
12 46 423 Melissa
13 48 414 Zebra Tattoo
14 51 408 barryb
15 52 406 CaptNipp
16 56 372 HollywoodPiercer
17 60 306 toxicskin
18 69 265 Piercer Dave
19 72 250 phoenixxx
20 76 225 tattooedheart
# Submissions Contact
1 7 2,323 Valnei
2 11 1,640 cutuvi
3 13 1,485 Joao_Caldara
4 22 725 Lucas Takano
5 39 487 UREA
6 41 460 peco
7 42 450 Freakboy
8 45 430 RAFAEL
9 58 341 deb
10 63 288 wild skin
# Submissions Contact
1 12 1,501 alienboy
2 18 967 Piercing Pete
3 19 877 dispel
4 21 797 Stretcher
5 23 723 holierthanthou
6 24 715 strawberry
7 28 598 joker
8 30 580 vampy
9 38 503 tattoodfreak
10 50 410 VEAL
# Submissions Contact
1 134 138 dave

Admittedly, the race for the top few spots is daunting, but depending on where you live, submitting enough to win a placement is definitely doable… It’s also interesting looking at the breakdown to note that different types of pictures are dominant in different areas.

As all years, there are prizes as well as recognition. This year there are three different prizes. First of all, everyone who places (on any of the lists here) gets either a staff shirt or a container (more about that below), or both if they place more than once. The staff shirts (which you may have already seen on my IAM page) are based on a sectional view of a head containing various body modifications, and their explanations in Latin. And of course he’s got BME on the brain…


As well as splitting up the results by geographic region, we generated them by section of the site again. Those lists follow:

Ranking # Submissions Contact
1 910 Big Rick
2 479 babakhin
3 285 j_scarab
3 285 Joao_Caldara
5 278 Zebra Tattoo
Ranking # Submissions Contact
1 1,097 alienboy
2 724 KIVAKA
3 654 Lexci Million
4 529 holierthanthou
5 385 Valnei
Ranking # Submissions Contact
1 641 Valnei
2 527 Lucas Takano
3 513 madmax
4 324 Lexci Million
5 318 Joao_Caldara
Ranking # Submissions Contact
1 2,614 RussFoxx
2 2,073 stainless
3 1,228 SteveBennett
4 1,092 cutuvi
5 964 bena
Ranking # Submissions Contact
1 523 madmax
2 267 SLS-Frank
3 247 Valnei
4 181 old soldier
5 173 SteveBennett
6 169 RussFoxx
7 156 Stretcher
8 146 holierthanthou
9 126 Shawn O’Hare
10 122 Anonymous
Ranking # Submissions Contact
1 6,517 KitanoKaryuudo
2 6,514 kokomi.3k
3 1,447 Urban Soul
4 832 jasonvandervee
5 609 Stretcher
6 592 Crazy Glamour
7 543 AvantGarde
8 526 Holy Flesh
9 507 Sui Otoko
9 507 Anonymous

As I mentioned earlier, as well as printing shirts, I’m also printing containers (sort of like a sharps or first aid container) with the same logo (although single color). Maybe a place to keep your jewelry, maybe a place to keep your play piercing needles… The exact style of container isn’t confirmed yet so I can’t show you a picture but it’ll be printed with the logo in one of these two ways:


As well as pictures, personal stories and articles are the other core part of BME’s mission to inform and share experiences. The top writers wrote huge numbers of articles, with the top dozen all writing at least a full-length article a month.

Ranking # Submissions Contact

1 50 Silhouettes
2 26 strawberry
3 24 broken_wings
4 19 Fuzzybeast
5 16 Caroline June
6 14 Ribibe
7 13 delusionalfairy
7 13 sweetcheeks
7 13 aniorange
10 12 MilllieB
10 12 deadly pale
10 12 kyo
10 12 rwethereyet
14 11 Bondage-Kit
14 11 Flutterfly
14 11 GucciGurl
17 10 Blackvampyremage
17 10 Kyrenna
17 10 ubergeekgawdess


As well as the obvious submissions, there are many other parts of BME that are generated by the volunteer work of people who go largely unthanked (including quite a few that I haven’t even mentioned in this article!). For example, there’s BME’s newsfeed, which has been tirelessly maintained by volunteers even though updates have been sometimes sporadic (my fault).

Ranking # Submissions Contact
1 909 deadly pale
2 758 rebekah
3 261 Ebowlotus1960

As well as obvious and “official” parts of BME, there are large parts of the BME community which are run wholly independently and autonomously that deserve recognition as well. I’m sure there are many more important ones that I don’t know about… I asked at the end of the year who had made contributions to this community (that isn’t otherwise mentioned here), and a few names stood out with regularity… These included:

  • Shawn Porter for organizing both fun events and the Scar Wars series of conventions, and his work in creating a cohesive scarification community both online and offline.
  • Monica for maintaining the series of IAM.Pregnant forums which have been invaluable resources to the many new parents on IAM/BME as this community ages.
  • Warren for his IAM.Learning forum for people learning to pierce.
  • Rebekah for her tireless work promoting IAM/BME members and for her hard work with Modified-News.
  • Anaesthetise‘s Postcard Exchange Forum on IAM is enormous fun for the many participants.
  • Wlfdrgn has undertaken the important task of managing the IAM/BME Scholarship Fund (see BME’s guest articles for more information, or visit his IAM page), now in its third year.
  • Havve and Christiane for their suspension work in Norway and elsewhere.
  • Allen Falkner for — among many other things — suspenion.org.
  • Vampy and Dispel for their many suspension events in the UK and their excellent documentation.
  • Perk900 for a series of great parties and a ton of photos.

I could really go on and on, and in a way I feel guilty stopping… There are so many other places people have contributed — reviewing experiences, helping me on technical issues, writing for and editing the encyclopedia, and more.


The core staff of BME’s QOD (Question of the Day — book coming soon!) continues to provide wonderful educational resource. They’re made up of Ryan Ouellette, John Joyce, Shawn Porter, Lori St. Leone, Sean Phillips, and Lassi.

Clockwise starting at top-left: Shawn Porter, Sean Phillips, Ryan Ouellette, John Joyce, Lassi, Lori St. Leone.


Finally, let me mention BME’s core staff, some of whom you probably already know, and some of whom you may not be aware of… Without these people, it would be much more difficult to keep BME going. Rachel runs the business end of things. Phil processes pretty much every picture that’s added to the site. Rooraaah does the same, but for naughty videos. Jon keeps our UNIX servers going and develops new toys for BME’s users, and Mike helps me keep our Windows boxes alive and uncompromised. Jen handles the customer support, and finally, there’s me, Shannon. Mostly I just put out articles long behind schedule.

Clockwise starting at top-left: Jen, Roo (and me in the background), Phil, Mike, Jon, Rachel.

And that doesn’t even include the staff of BMEshop (primarily Ryan and Corrie).


You’ll receive an email and/or IM on IAM from me in the next week with a form where you’ll need to fill in your address and shirt size and all that. I haven’t sent those out yet, but if you don’t hear from me within the week make sure that you contact either me or Ryan and Corrie so nothing gets missed… Other than that, I wanted to mention that there is one very special prize, sort of a secret talisman that will be going out to the very top contributors. Whether they reveal what that item is or not is up to them.

I won’t reveal it here, and probably won’t on my IAM page either, but let me say that (1) it’s very, very cool, and (2) it was created by an award winning butter sculptor.

Thank you everyone for another wonderful year. BME would be nothing without the community that surrounds it and creates it. If you’re reading this, there is a very good chance that you took part in creating this all… If so, thank you. You’ve helped me, and you’ve helped a lot of other people, and I hope you’ve helped yourself as well.

Shannon Larratt