Just kidding of course, but Evidence #1, c/o Bena and the Body Extremes Suspension Team in Copenhagen:
Evidence #2 comes from UREA in Joa Possoa, PB, Brazil:
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Love the pic with the guy drinking the beer.
Love the pic with the guy drinking the beer.
heh, I’m trying to resist my urge to just write ‘suspension is gay!111!’ now, as a hillariously funny and obviously very mature joke…
heh, I’m trying to resist my urge to just write ‘suspension is gay!111!’ now, as a hillariously funny and obviously very mature joke…
It took me a second to catch the hooks on the guy’s knees. I was puzzled about his buddy’s choice to hang from around his waist instead of higher up. Very interesting setup.
It took me a second to catch the hooks on the guy’s knees. I was puzzled about his buddy’s choice to hang from around his waist instead of higher up. Very interesting setup.
i like the last one :3 yum-ish
i like the last one :3 yum-ish
The knee hook swing is pretty cool!
The knee hook swing is pretty cool!
Shannon Larratt vc e muito otario mermo!!! pq quando mandamos essas merdas dessa foto pra esse site mandamos com o titulo da imagemmm!! e nao pra vc ficar tirando onda!!!
Shannon Larratt vc e muito otario mermo!!! pq quando mandamos essas merdas dessa foto pra esse site mandamos com o titulo da imagemmm!! e nao pra vc ficar tirando onda!!!
Hehe the second one (with the guy drinking the beer) looks like he is wearing a vest made of someone else’s skin 🙂
But these are great pictures, I love the last one.
Hehe the second one (with the guy drinking the beer) looks like he is wearing a vest made of someone else’s skin 🙂
But these are great pictures, I love the last one.
Fun pictures. Looking at the hooks though… it’s a good thing they put keepers on them, or this could have been a lot more exciting when they straightened out the rest of the way.
Fun pictures. Looking at the hooks though… it’s a good thing they put keepers on them, or this could have been a lot more exciting when they straightened out the rest of the way.
É, Urea, a partir do momento que você manda as imagens, elas se tornam propriedade dele, ele pode fazer o que ele quiser com elas. Talvez se você mandasse fotos menos homo-eróticas, ele não tiraria onda com a sua cara. Quem planta, colhe.
É, Urea, a partir do momento que você manda as imagens, elas se tornam propriedade dele, ele pode fazer o que ele quiser com elas. Talvez se você mandasse fotos menos homo-eróticas, ele não tiraria onda com a sua cara. Quem planta, colhe.
pois e mas tem nada nao!! isso sao so pobres com immmveja!!! isso faz parte desse mundo po!!! eu nao ligo nao!!! e so mas 1!! = a vc ke nao tem coragem de falar kem vc e!!! pobre!!
pois e mas tem nada nao!! isso sao so pobres com immmveja!!! isso faz parte desse mundo po!!! eu nao ligo nao!!! e so mas 1!! = a vc ke nao tem coragem de falar kem vc e!!! pobre!!
eu não o compreendo. isto é pretendido ser engraçado. eu sou pesaroso se eu offend..
eu não o compreendo. isto é pretendido ser engraçado. eu sou pesaroso se eu offend..
just a quick note… not that anyone seemed to notice, but I think it´s “João Pessoa”, not “Joa Possoa” ^^
just a quick note… not that anyone seemed to notice, but I think it´s “João Pessoa”, not “Joa Possoa” ^^
Yes, I think you’re right.
Yes, I think you’re right.
Sim, é pretendido ser engraçado, eu acho…
Sim, é pretendido ser engraçado, eu acho…
I think they should try suspending from their rectums. Just hook into their pink socks…lmao
I think they should try suspending from their rectums. Just hook into their pink socks…lmao