The Penetrator

I wonder… if he punched someone, would the needles just pop out of his hand (ie. sliding back through the piercings) or would they actually penetrate the person being punched? Thanks to Zulima from Aranjuez in Madrid, Spain for sending in this photo… Because it’s with play piercing needles, it’s more obviously temporary than the also temporary previously posted and much-commented-on Wolverine piercings, so I imagine this entry will have far less Internet-freakout attached.

I love the triple bridge ladder by the way…

8 thoughts on “The Penetrator

  1. Depending of course on the angle and the force of the blow, but most likely the needles would pierce the suface of the skin in the other person and slide back consderably. I would suggest a clawing strike if you would want to make maximum damage.

  2. Depending of course on the angle and the force of the blow, but most likely the needles would pierce the suface of the skin in the other person and slide back consderably. I would suggest a clawing strike if you would want to make maximum damage.

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