Lucky BMEboys Saturday 13/15

Shawn O’Hare from Charlies House of Tattoos in Camarillo, CA, sends in this celebrity appearance and sneak teaser from British Television’s Sin Cities, who met up with a number of BME folks in North America while filming their new season. It airs as well on Showcase/Showtime in North America (I don’t know the schedule for this season though). I enjoy the show a great deal — if you haven’t checked it out, it’s a lot of fun and I think handles different sexual and fetish adventures with a great sense of humor and acceptance.

And of course I know a few girls with crushes on Ashley!

20 thoughts on “Lucky BMEboys Saturday 13/15

  1. being a slightly chubby guy, im gunna dress up in a strapless, backless dress next year for halloween and get something like that on my upperback!

  2. thebrianjames – I think so…

    Shannon – the episode I’m thinking of had him face to face with someone else also suspending and they slowly winched themselves up…


  3. According to the clock in the background, this picture was taken at 6:20… I am assuming PM but your never know… people might start early!

  4. nice to see some one famis of the tv by the way that mans mad have you seen the stuf he has done on the tv nuts or whot cool thow from bob fox

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