Max Brand (All or Nothing Tattoo, Atlanta, GA) writes of these two pictures (lots more in this weekend’s BME update by the way), “don’t try this at home,” but I doubt that warning is going to be followed by many readers. That said, if you’re playing at home, either by yourself or with a partner, be sure you’re playing clean and safe.
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23 thoughts on ““Bloody Girls!””
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She’s beautiful — her hour-glass shape is very sexy.
Holy attractive, batman!
(teehee, /hole-y/)
(Just to be clear those are two different models)
yes, but two very gorgeous models with blood. you can’t go wrong!
Cutie 😛
Kickin bodies HOT ~_0
Yes, back that up my dear. Back that thing up, indeed.
I like how her thong blends into the background. It looks like she’s missing a thong-shaped piece of her. Kindo eye-trickya
….I knew you’d like em Shannon….you perv……haha (damn, those were fun…..more to come soon!)
…..oh…..saw you in Clerks 2……I jumped outa my seat…..pretty funny!
she’s a doll.
mmmmmm bloody = hotty 😛
and I love the Modblog stamp 😛
Gorgeous and damn sexy
Wow. She has amazing boobs!
Think the girl on the right practices corsetry?
Me wants to see that tree tattoo fully…meh.
ooooooh that first girl has the hottest figure EVER.
yummy girls i love it.
wow. both of them have incredible figures, i’m somewhere between drooling and jealous
these were both quite fun for me…..I’m glad you guys like it….
Fabulous! THey both are amazingly gorgeous!