25 thoughts on “Bugs on my brain! Bugs on my brain!

  1. oh god! why would you want those on your body forever? ESPECIALLY YOUR HEAD! i have the heebie-jeebies just looking at it!

  2. Those look life like, I would be scared of people keep smacking me on the head with a fly squatter lol :).

    Seriously tho I do like the artwork.

  3. I kinda empthasize with this motif… I’ve always had the feeling my brain is filled with bugs, bats, and alligators. But I wouldn’t tattoo them on my head.

  4. If ucant ban me and all u can do is try to spend ur time modifyin things ur fucked wanker ~_0

  5. fuckin bugs bugs fuckin hoe piss shit all those nasty words thats what the attoo means 2 me u fuckin hoe losser canker sore orange juice bitch ~_0

  6. HA. That looks great! The best part of head tattoos is if you want to make them disappear you just have to grow your hair out! So I see nothing wrong with having that on his head!

    And Bradly, I think your forgot to take your medication. Off to sleep now little one, it’s past your bedtime!

  7. is that a tick is see? perhaps a woodlouse? i have lyme disease and i like THe Tick (the blue guy)… so i feel affinity toward these here head bugs.

  8. I like this! I like the one with the marbles tattooed a wee bit better, but its still neat and amusing!!!
    I normally dont fear pain but man, tattoo’ing your head’s gotta be tender!

  9. I cringe looking at this. To each his own, but having had head lice twice in my life, this just makes me squirm.

    They are well done, no matter the subject

  10. Those are LICE! What a creepy bug to have tattooed on your head! Now he’s gonna have headlice forever.

  11. Head lice, I had a bad case over the summer. It felt like I was never going to get rid of them.

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