c/o Nu Ethix, Ascension, and Rites of Passage:
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31 thoughts on “Guerrilla Suspension (or: “Suspension Delivery”)!”
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hah freakin hilarious
thats so original! way too cool!looks like they’re doing it in a real hotel!
hahahahaha. that’s so funny. i LOLed.
you can totally see me with my jug of wine
I saw this a while ago. I don’t know where. but i did. and It’s just so cool. I’d LOVE to do something like this
It was a real hotel, it was the Sheraton in downtown Philadelphia during the tattoo convention a few weekends ago.
umm where is the MODBLOG.BMEZINE tag?
i can’t find it :S
Something has to be done to top this at APP.
Funky – I seem to have forgotten it!!!
Haha that’s hilarious. Must also feel great zooming down the hallway, like you’re really flying
Fuck, I wonder what hotel that is so I can steer clear. I have heard about hanging about hotel lobbies, but thats friggin ridiculous lol
That’s amazing…
the jug wine was the first thing I noticed.
Oh it shall be topped. we have a few ideas for APP. hahah and if its really the last year for the convention there why not push it further.
I love these things so much.
thats brilliant
when this rolled past me, i didn’t realize what i was looking at until about 30 seconds after.
either i’ve become completely imune to seeing stuff like this, or i was entirely too drunk.
a bit of column a, a bit of column b
I was coming down the escalator as this was happening, got a great laugh out of it!!!
i’d be game for a knee suspension from luggage cart……
guerilla suspensions are my favorite.
There are already plans in motion for this years guerilla suspension in Vegas during APP…
hahaha amazing. i absolutely love it.
HAHA!!…..was this during the fire alarm?!…..I saw guys evacuating with hooks in their backs, and I heard it turned into a party in the lobby!…..
tee hee
This was the first night of the convention, the fire alarm was on sunday.
that is so awesome!
nah the fire alarm was during the Only Flesh show
that was us, Modified Soul and IHUNG with the hooks in our backs haha
and yeah we pulled in the side lobby cause we were bored
That was a fun weekend.
The Security Guards were NOT very happy about that.
That made me giggle
Its a mobile suspension wagon 
the response from security was awsome!
us: “You’re not going to kick us out are you?”
security: “No….. just stop that.”
app is going to be fun!