This left-and-right foot crossing loch ness monster tattoo was done by Clayton James in Electric Oni in Petaluma, Calfornia… I could swear I recognize the drawing but I can’t place it, if someone wants to add that to the comments.
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50 thoughts on “Cartoon Loch Ness Monster Tattoo”
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Looks like one of The Family Ness to me, classic cartoon that in no way stereotyped the Scottish
Its Nessy from The Family-Ness!
I’m so getting a “The Family Ness” tattoo!
via google images
Penny Crayon and Jimbo And The Jetset.
*less than three* cartoons of my childhood…
(penny crayon…can draw anything she wishes…from cats and dgs and motorbike and plates of chips and fishes…lalala I can’t remember the rest of the theme tune…)
Yep, Family Ness. I loved that cartoon, and Jimbo
having some big tome nessy flash backs!!
You can knock it,
You can rock it,
You can go to Timbuktu,
But you’ll never find a Nessy in the zoo.
You may see an Anaconda, or Giraffe and Kangaroo
But you’ll never see a Nessy in a zoo…..
Awww, The Family Ness! Awesome.
british cartoons of the eighties themes sleeve, anyone?
count duckula?
penny crayon?
family ness?
superted? (incidently, I have this on dvd…and its nowhere near as good as I remember. although spotty and the bad-guy skeleton are probably responsible for me turning out so camp…)
dangermouse? (penski = penfold…furry face and specs :/)
*n (child of ’84!)
I know someone with a Supergran tattoo.
“stand back superman, iceman, spiderman, batman and robin too! you wanna cause a ruckus with B A Baracus? well I’ve got a match for you. she makes ‘em look like a bunch of fairies, *somethingsomethingsomething* every night and day! so hang about! look out! for supergraaaaaaan!*
does she/he have no toes??
I love it!
Family Ness!!!!!!! wow, that brings back some memories..
It’s not Family Ness, they were all green
Yes! Petaluma Represent!
Are the toes just curled under, or were they amputated? If so, it looks really clean and natural.
I wish we had the same cartoons in France, I don’t know any of those like usual sniff.
OestreBunny – It’s definitely inspired by The Family Ness, you can tell by the notes ‘dripping’ from the mouth.
mmmaybebaby – They’re probably just tucked away.
only on modblog is the first assumption about toes hidden from view that they are amputated. i love it.
I’d never heard of Family Ness before (Hey, I’m from Texas :p) so I googled it…Eyewit Ness…Clever Ness…lol…It’s adorable!
my nickname at school was penny crayon, coz i had glasses, the same hair and a strong northern england accent like sue pollard
oh, great tatt BTW
Really cute tat.
as a child of the 90′s and a USA resident i don’t get anything in this blog post! but i still love the idea.
PETALUMA SUX. LOL OMG I HATE PETALUMA LOL. nor eally, Clayton rocks. he does my tattoos good number one lucky go go awesome USA! and he rides my old bike! and i fixed his other bike! yay lucky okay american soldier!!
so cute and well thought of!
one of my favorite tattoos so far
I love the little hat!!
Roo (#18) Those aren’t notes hanging from its mouth, that’s seaweed as far as I can tell.
I think they used a character very similar to this on Rocky and Bullwinkle.
as an avid family ness viewer as a kid i can definately say that is not family ness (or musical notes either) but where ever it came from it has a charm of its own
Haha this is mint, I used to watch The Family Ness and Penny Crayon ^____^
Love it!
@ no. 9 – it’s ‘I spy Spiderman’ not ‘iceman’!
all the other 80s kids should go to retrojunk if they haven’t already! ulysses 31 was a particular favourite of mine. they used to show superted as gaeilge here in ireland and everything.
one of the club nights i go to often plays the theme from captain planet
blackberry – thanks for that
I was trying to remember it from nearly 20 years ago :/ I did okay though…
so fucking lovely
i love family ness, growing up in scotland I was spoon fed it.
and this is not a family ness tattoo, they are all dragon shaped and kinda fat.
awesome tattoo though – made me smile:)
*giggle snort* I love it!
it’s not from family ness.
and it’s bothering me now because i KNNNOOOOW i’ve seen it somewhere.
to be honest, i think it was in a book & not on tv.
“one of the club nights i go to often plays the theme from captain planet :)”
haha, that is amazing, a group of my friends went as captain planet and all the “planeteers” for halloween last year!
omg, thats so old skol! AMAZING!
:O i cant believe id forgotten about Penny Crayon…beaut
tht is def the loch ness from the kids programme, also AMAZING! lol
love the tat
Holy crap, that is SO cool! XD
I like the ‘next’ and ‘previous’ subheadings for this entry…
«« And now, “My cunt” »»
I was so thinking about getting a ‘Count Duckula’ Tattoo… “Nannyyyy!!!!…”
oi’ll geddit!
Jen033 – “I wish we had the same cartoons in France,”
You had one of the best “Once upon a time….MAN”
was Marsupilami french or belgian?
for all you old school cartoon kids.
#43…”When I said come THROUGH the door, nanny, I didn’t mean… oh, never mind…”
What a wonderfully sweet tattoo. =)
Too cute!
Family ness I haven’t thought about that program in years!!! I always wanted a thistle whistle!!! Cool Tat by the way!