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158 thoughts on “Russian Guys”
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I think I need to move to Russia!
I think I need to move to Russia!
I don’t know what to say besides…this is beautiful.
The blues have been enhanced but it is still beautiful.
I don’t know what to say besides…this is beautiful.
The blues have been enhanced but it is still beautiful.
Somehow he reminds me of Eddie Izzard. (In a good way!)
Somehow he reminds me of Eddie Izzard. (In a good way!)
This makes me wish I had paid more attention during my Russian lessons….
This makes me wish I had paid more attention during my Russian lessons….
those are some rad photos
those are some rad photos
WTF, this dude looks supernatural.
WTF, this dude looks supernatural.
Russian people are super natural. I can almost hear a sultry accent whispering dirty things into my ear.
Russian people are super natural. I can almost hear a sultry accent whispering dirty things into my ear.
i like the scars on his back. makes me think of “yeah, i had wings, but i cut them off”
i like the scars on his back. makes me think of “yeah, i had wings, but i cut them off”
Nice pictures.
Kinda creepy in the second picture.
Nice pictures.
Kinda creepy in the second picture.
I’m just… I don’t know… impressed… seduced… can’t find the word… I’m just open-mouthed… want him in Paris!!!
I’m just… I don’t know… impressed… seduced… can’t find the word… I’m just open-mouthed… want him in Paris!!!
I agree with ash on the whole scars comment
I agree with ash on the whole scars comment
gorgeous. i would love to see a closeup of his ears (…out of context, thats a little weird teehee). a agree with ash, as well
gorgeous. i would love to see a closeup of his ears (…out of context, thats a little weird teehee). a agree with ash, as well
well hellloooooooooooooooo russian boy =] I know where I’m going next. haha
well hellloooooooooooooooo russian boy =] I know where I’m going next. haha
Yeah, seriously Ash. Can anyone say ‘wing amputation’?
Yeah, seriously Ash. Can anyone say ‘wing amputation’?
I dont know but the first picture reminds me of Ikarus, with the scars and the feathers around him, the blue of the sea he falls in, just so amazing.
And the second one is just stunning!
I dont know but the first picture reminds me of Ikarus, with the scars and the feathers around him, the blue of the sea he falls in, just so amazing.
And the second one is just stunning!
post some russian women like that, shannon!
post some russian women like that, shannon!
he looks like the vampires do in buffy
in some of his older pictures he looks like
that kid from the teenage wearwolf movie
oh and i think he’s gay ladies
he looks like the vampires do in buffy
in some of his older pictures he looks like
that kid from the teenage wearwolf movie
oh and i think he’s gay ladies
He looks like he could pull off being a superior being from outerspace camouflaged in a human body.
He looks like he could pull off being a superior being from outerspace camouflaged in a human body.
With all the Russian guys Ive seen on Iam.. I need to get me to Russia quick!
With all the Russian guys Ive seen on Iam.. I need to get me to Russia quick!
Wow. I have to say, not usually my type, but Russian men are stunning.
Wow. I have to say, not usually my type, but Russian men are stunning.
I was wondering how those scars would turn out
I was wondering how those scars would turn out
>>8 Ash
EXACTLY what I came in here to say…
>>8 Ash
EXACTLY what I came in here to say…
nice blowouts
nice blowouts
LOVE the scars…the boys more than nice too.
LOVE the scars…the boys more than nice too.
So…he’s basically the most attractive thing in existence.
So…he’s basically the most attractive thing in existence.
don’t you think you should credit the photographer too?!?
don’t you think you should credit the photographer too?!?
He’s hot. Nice scars, also.
He’s hot. Nice scars, also.
well HELLO gorgeous!
well HELLO gorgeous!
oh wow… hes soooo hot… *drool*
birth crisis, lol, my boy friends dad is from russia so my boyfriend knows russian and he sometimes speaks alittle to me.. its hot… lol
oh wow… hes soooo hot… *drool*
birth crisis, lol, my boy friends dad is from russia so my boyfriend knows russian and he sometimes speaks alittle to me.. its hot… lol
Good looking man, good looking photos.
Good looking man, good looking photos.
Prancing through an exotic fairieland!! “Come hither, my woodland spritez, so that I may frollick about with thee, as welleth!”
Prancing through an exotic fairieland!! “Come hither, my woodland spritez, so that I may frollick about with thee, as welleth!”
Holy hotness
Holy hotness
oh dear sweet jesus! his back just did it for me…gotta love the scarred wings.
oh dear sweet jesus! his back just did it for me…gotta love the scarred wings.
I’ve never use a photo from the internet for my background before, but the one from behind with the scars was too much. Now everytime I open my computer, I get to see that. Wow. Gay, straight, whatever, holy shit, wow.
I’ve never use a photo from the internet for my background before, but the one from behind with the scars was too much. Now everytime I open my computer, I get to see that. Wow. Gay, straight, whatever, holy shit, wow.
O_O *sutters*
O_O *sutters*
Ya know, for me, him being gay makes him that much hotter. I LOVE boy on boy action! The scars are neat too;)
Ya know, for me, him being gay makes him that much hotter. I LOVE boy on boy action! The scars are neat too;)
I LOVE his scars. He looks like one of those evil body guard guys in a movie. Hot, but could do with a new hairstyle.
I LOVE his scars. He looks like one of those evil body guard guys in a movie. Hot, but could do with a new hairstyle.
That man is amazing beautiful. Russia, here I come!
I love the scars on his back. I believe the caption when they first appeared was something along the lines of ripped off angel wings? I love that.
That man is amazing beautiful. Russia, here I come!
I love the scars on his back. I believe the caption when they first appeared was something along the lines of ripped off angel wings? I love that.
I may need to visit Russia.
I may need to visit Russia.
I’m surprised no one has said that it looks like he’s covering up his nipples on purpose!
I’m surprised no one has said that it looks like he’s covering up his nipples on purpose!
the first picture makes me think of SPARTA!
the first picture makes me think of SPARTA!
totally moving to russia.
totally moving to russia.
Nice swastikas.
Interesting too that over 70% of the comments are about how attractive the guy is and not his modifications.
The figure jumps to around 85% when an attractive woman is posted too.
Modblog = Hot or Not (for some anyway)
Nice swastikas.
Interesting too that over 70% of the comments are about how attractive the guy is and not his modifications.
The figure jumps to around 85% when an attractive woman is posted too.
Modblog = Hot or Not (for some anyway)
Seems someone likes quake.
Seems someone likes quake.
Well if you decide to do a calendar Shannon, I think you’ve found your Mr December.
Well if you decide to do a calendar Shannon, I think you’ve found your Mr December.
sweet jesus i’m moving to russia…..
sweet jesus i’m moving to russia…..
This is a great shot.
This is a great shot.
he looks like a god. i’m not saying that cheesily, he really looks like he is one.
he looks like a god. i’m not saying that cheesily, he really looks like he is one.
Is it just me, or is anyone else dismissive that he has some goddamn SWASTIKAS tattoed on his body???
I mean, the irony is that the nazis’ view of the world would have strongly prohibited such a way of body modification. He’d propably be the first to go!
Seems like the idiots never die out.
Is it just me, or is anyone else dismissive that he has some goddamn SWASTIKAS tattoed on his body???
I mean, the irony is that the nazis’ view of the world would have strongly prohibited such a way of body modification. He’d propably be the first to go!
Seems like the idiots never die out.
Ohhh, shit. He’s eerily pale… hair, skin, and eyes. Attractive in a creepy way I think.
I’d like to see some better pictures of his back/neck piece.
Ohhh, shit. He’s eerily pale… hair, skin, and eyes. Attractive in a creepy way I think.
I’d like to see some better pictures of his back/neck piece.
@#52: this 2 are far from 3rd reich swastikas.
every idiot can see this.
@#52: this 2 are far from 3rd reich swastikas.
every idiot can see this.
i want to visit russia….
i want to visit russia….
thank you, shannon
thank you, shannon
Gee whiz apox, there’s never been a debate about swastikas on Modblog! Everyone’s ignoring them just to piss you off.
Gee whiz apox, there’s never been a debate about swastikas on Modblog! Everyone’s ignoring them just to piss you off.
@#54: Yes, but the swastika, regardless of exact shape, IS often strongly associated with national socialism.
His angel-like pose doesn’t exactly help to invalidate my doubts (ubermensch-concept used by the nazis)
So I guess he has to live with not getting applause from everyone
@#54: Yes, but the swastika, regardless of exact shape, IS often strongly associated with national socialism.
His angel-like pose doesn’t exactly help to invalidate my doubts (ubermensch-concept used by the nazis)
So I guess he has to live with not getting applause from everyone
Are you seriously assuming that someone is more likely to be a nazi because they’re in shape…??? Outside of anything else, that’s pretty insulting to everyone else!
Are you seriously assuming that someone is more likely to be a nazi because they’re in shape…??? Outside of anything else, that’s pretty insulting to everyone else!
yumm… He is gorgeous
yumm… He is gorgeous
@#59: I was just talking about THIS particular case. To sum it up: before I see a proof that the symbols are meant in a “harmless” context (like e.g. hinduism), I think it’s more favourable to assume (and more likely) that this man is a nazi, and that one should disapprove of these particular tattoos.
@#59: I was just talking about THIS particular case. To sum it up: before I see a proof that the symbols are meant in a “harmless” context (like e.g. hinduism), I think it’s more favourable to assume (and more likely) that this man is a nazi, and that one should disapprove of these particular tattoos.
“Seems like the idiots never die out.”
Thank you for proving your own point.
“Seems like the idiots never die out.”
Thank you for proving your own point.
Swastikas or not.

He’s fucking hot.
Hey, that rhymed!
Swastikas or not.

He’s fucking hot.
Hey, that rhymed!
Amazing! Russia Love. Represent.
Amazing! Russia Love. Represent.
apox I think if you would of taken the time to look at his page you would see he belongs to a forum that is about untarnishing the symbol that his a dark spot in history. You should not be so quick to judge. Just because he is blond haired blue eyed with a well sculpted body.
As for the photos them self I think they are wonderful. The photographer has a great talent. And was lucky to have some one with such a presance to work with.
apox I think if you would of taken the time to look at his page you would see he belongs to a forum that is about untarnishing the symbol that his a dark spot in history. You should not be so quick to judge. Just because he is blond haired blue eyed with a well sculpted body.
As for the photos them self I think they are wonderful. The photographer has a great talent. And was lucky to have some one with such a presance to work with.
x-men anyone?
x-men anyone?
YES! IRIS! You’re right on! X-MEN!! He looks like something straight out of an x-men comic, really! His eyes are just eerily perfect, his body is just a touch too pale and too perfect, even his stance and hair are like.. perfect. its so perfect it looks impossible.. superhuman…
yeah.. x-men this man is!
YES! IRIS! You’re right on! X-MEN!! He looks like something straight out of an x-men comic, really! His eyes are just eerily perfect, his body is just a touch too pale and too perfect, even his stance and hair are like.. perfect. its so perfect it looks impossible.. superhuman…
yeah.. x-men this man is!
call me…
call me…
Are U from Russia?Or love it?
Are U from Russia?Or love it?
what a hottie. i think anything oon him would look good.
what a hottie. i think anything oon him would look good.
Yeah!)))I’m not gay at all!
Russia,is amazing country,so i recommend to visit it)))
Yeah!)))I’m not gay at all!
Russia,is amazing country,so i recommend to visit it)))
Дефстаррр!!!! не ожидал тебя здесь увидеть!
Дефстаррр!!!! не ожидал тебя здесь увидеть!
wow, wonderfull BME-Boy
wow, wonderfull BME-Boy
I want to do you.
I want to do you.
ухаххаха… год назад переписывалась с ним в аське… жесть=)
антверпен шикарен конечно..бесспорно
ухаххаха… год назад переписывалась с ним в аське… жесть=)
антверпен шикарен конечно..бесспорно
Heeh! DefStar! He’s a good guy! I know him in real life!
Heeh! DefStar! He’s a good guy! I know him in real life!
i am officially creeped out.
the wings on his back are gorgeous but he does look as if he wants to drink my blood.
i am officially creeped out.
the wings on his back are gorgeous but he does look as if he wants to drink my blood.
He wants, be sure!)))
He wants, be sure!)))