Lili suspending at the SF Body Art Expo for Ephemme, helped by Brett Perkins and Anne Ott of Anomaly Studios in San Francisco, CA.
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Is it just me that thinks it looks like a wedding dress?
Beautiful photo anyway.
Is it just me that thinks it looks like a wedding dress?
Beautiful photo anyway.
Lili you look so pretty!!
Lili you look so pretty!!
lovely gorgeous lili!!
i miss you
lovely gorgeous lili!!
i miss you
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sweet.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sweet.
lovely picture
lovely picture
it was indeed a wedding dress. i’ve always wanted to suspend in a dress, and when brett asked me to do a suspension for the SF body art expo, i really wanted to make it something pretty….it was my best suspension to date and a great start to a fantastic weekend.
it was indeed a wedding dress. i’ve always wanted to suspend in a dress, and when brett asked me to do a suspension for the SF body art expo, i really wanted to make it something pretty….it was my best suspension to date and a great start to a fantastic weekend.
aw. so pretty lili.
aw. so pretty lili.
There’s my perty girl!!!
There’s my perty girl!!!
I love it! And it would be so cool to be suspended as part of a wedding ceremony
I love it! And it would be so cool to be suspended as part of a wedding ceremony
lili never ceases to make me go awww. Once the “we’re dating” rumours hit the net, you’ll be like.. so awesome!
lili never ceases to make me go awww. Once the “we’re dating” rumours hit the net, you’ll be like.. so awesome!
LILLI looking great girl!!!
LILLI looking great girl!!!
fantastic! My dear! Great …
fantastic! My dear! Great …
Yay! You look so happy!
Yay! You look so happy!
well,she seems happy enough….considering she’s hanging
by a bunch of hooks from the ceiling.
well,she seems happy enough….considering she’s hanging
by a bunch of hooks from the ceiling.