More great work by Noon with this “Willst du mit mir gehen?”* tattoo…
* “Will you go out with me?”
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Hahaha! Best tattoo ever.
Hahaha! Best tattoo ever.
Hahaha! Best tattoo ever.
Hahaha! Best tattoo ever.
nice tattoo…
crazy, but nice…
unique… 🙂
nice tattoo…
crazy, but nice…
unique… 🙂
nice tattoo…
crazy, but nice…
unique… 🙂
nice tattoo…
crazy, but nice…
unique… 🙂
Awww…that is so cute T_T
Awww…that is so cute T_T
Awww…that is so cute T_T
Awww…that is so cute T_T
^_^ aww
^_^ aww
^_^ aww
^_^ aww
cute 🙂
cute 🙂
cute 🙂
cute 🙂
it should be “bitte sag ja”.
but yes, it is cute.
I guess he’ll ask every girl he meets to make her choice. :3
it should be “bitte sag ja”.
but yes, it is cute.
I guess he’ll ask every girl he meets to make her choice. :3
it should be “bitte sag ja”.
but yes, it is cute.
I guess he’ll ask every girl he meets to make her choice. :3
it should be “bitte sag ja”.
but yes, it is cute.
I guess he’ll ask every girl he meets to make her choice. :3
its not really “Will you go out with me?” , its more “wanna be my girlfriend/boyfriend?” , we are more direct over here, you know 😉
its not really “Will you go out with me?” , its more “wanna be my girlfriend/boyfriend?” , we are more direct over here, you know 😉
its not really “Will you go out with me?” , its more “wanna be my girlfriend/boyfriend?” , we are more direct over here, you know 😉
its not really “Will you go out with me?” , its more “wanna be my girlfriend/boyfriend?” , we are more direct over here, you know 😉
great 🙂
there’s this shitty song by “nena” with the same title.
an unpleasant earworm…
great 🙂
there’s this shitty song by “nena” with the same title.
an unpleasant earworm…
great 🙂
there’s this shitty song by “nena” with the same title.
an unpleasant earworm…
great 🙂
there’s this shitty song by “nena” with the same title.
an unpleasant earworm…
Quite a direct way of putting it. Especially good for the shy ones.
*Hmm, I’d like to ask you something and I wrote it down, so what do you say?*
Cute, functional AND hillarious.
Quite a direct way of putting it. Especially good for the shy ones.
*Hmm, I’d like to ask you something and I wrote it down, so what do you say?*
Cute, functional AND hillarious.
Quite a direct way of putting it. Especially good for the shy ones.
*Hmm, I’d like to ask you something and I wrote it down, so what do you say?*
Cute, functional AND hillarious.
Quite a direct way of putting it. Especially good for the shy ones.
*Hmm, I’d like to ask you something and I wrote it down, so what do you say?*
Cute, functional AND hillarious.
Lil Miss Strange – But it literally does say “will you go out with me?” … which I think everyone in Canada (and I assume the USA) certainly equates with “will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend” as well, so I don’t think I’ve misspoken in the translation…?
Lil Miss Strange – But it literally does say “will you go out with me?” … which I think everyone in Canada (and I assume the USA) certainly equates with “will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend” as well, so I don’t think I’ve misspoken in the translation…?
Lil Miss Strange – But it literally does say “will you go out with me?” … which I think everyone in Canada (and I assume the USA) certainly equates with “will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend” as well, so I don’t think I’ve misspoken in the translation…?
Lil Miss Strange – But it literally does say “will you go out with me?” … which I think everyone in Canada (and I assume the USA) certainly equates with “will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend” as well, so I don’t think I’ve misspoken in the translation…?
Germans are definitely more direct but the translation is indeed: “You want to go with me” from last I recall.
In terms of how germans view it, it might mean: “do you want to be my girlfriend/boyfriend”…but word translation it does say what it says.
definitely think it’s an awesome tattoo…and a great pick up starter, just had the person a washable marker (once the tattoo is healed of course) and have em check it off hahah
Germans are definitely more direct but the translation is indeed: “You want to go with me” from last I recall.
In terms of how germans view it, it might mean: “do you want to be my girlfriend/boyfriend”…but word translation it does say what it says.
definitely think it’s an awesome tattoo…and a great pick up starter, just had the person a washable marker (once the tattoo is healed of course) and have em check it off hahah
Germans are definitely more direct but the translation is indeed: “You want to go with me” from last I recall.
In terms of how germans view it, it might mean: “do you want to be my girlfriend/boyfriend”…but word translation it does say what it says.
definitely think it’s an awesome tattoo…and a great pick up starter, just had the person a washable marker (once the tattoo is healed of course) and have em check it off hahah
Germans are definitely more direct but the translation is indeed: “You want to go with me” from last I recall.
In terms of how germans view it, it might mean: “do you want to be my girlfriend/boyfriend”…but word translation it does say what it says.
definitely think it’s an awesome tattoo…and a great pick up starter, just had the person a washable marker (once the tattoo is healed of course) and have em check it off hahah
LOVE this.
LOVE this.
LOVE this.
LOVE this.
Great! I really love this. If I ever make it to Europe, I’ma seek this Noon guy like the Saint of Killers. But not for killing, no! I might even go so far as to let him pick the tat!
Long live Noon!
Great! I really love this. If I ever make it to Europe, I’ma seek this Noon guy like the Saint of Killers. But not for killing, no! I might even go so far as to let him pick the tat!
Long live Noon!
Great! I really love this. If I ever make it to Europe, I’ma seek this Noon guy like the Saint of Killers. But not for killing, no! I might even go so far as to let him pick the tat!
Long live Noon!
Great! I really love this. If I ever make it to Europe, I’ma seek this Noon guy like the Saint of Killers. But not for killing, no! I might even go so far as to let him pick the tat!
Long live Noon!
I love this! It’s cute; I’d probably go out with a guy with that tattoo!
Aren’t, “Will you go out with me?” and “Will you be my girlfriend?” the same question? It would mean the same thing to me, anyway – saying, “Will you go out with me?” is like making it official, rather than just seeing each other, in my opinion.
But no matter, awesome tattoo!
I love this! It’s cute; I’d probably go out with a guy with that tattoo!
Aren’t, “Will you go out with me?” and “Will you be my girlfriend?” the same question? It would mean the same thing to me, anyway – saying, “Will you go out with me?” is like making it official, rather than just seeing each other, in my opinion.
But no matter, awesome tattoo!
I love this! It’s cute; I’d probably go out with a guy with that tattoo!
Aren’t, “Will you go out with me?” and “Will you be my girlfriend?” the same question? It would mean the same thing to me, anyway – saying, “Will you go out with me?” is like making it official, rather than just seeing each other, in my opinion.
But no matter, awesome tattoo!
I love this! It’s cute; I’d probably go out with a guy with that tattoo!
Aren’t, “Will you go out with me?” and “Will you be my girlfriend?” the same question? It would mean the same thing to me, anyway – saying, “Will you go out with me?” is like making it official, rather than just seeing each other, in my opinion.
But no matter, awesome tattoo!
love it, and the translation works, gehen wir mit or otherwise, the girl would know what he’s talking about
love it, and the translation works, gehen wir mit or otherwise, the girl would know what he’s talking about
love it, and the translation works, gehen wir mit or otherwise, the girl would know what he’s talking about
love it, and the translation works, gehen wir mit or otherwise, the girl would know what he’s talking about
viellei? waht does that mean?
viellei? waht does that mean?
viellei? waht does that mean?
viellei? waht does that mean?
18, it says velleicht (maybe) but its covered up.
18, it says velleicht (maybe) but its covered up.
18, it says velleicht (maybe) but its covered up.
18, it says velleicht (maybe) but its covered up.
Aww this is so cute!
Aww this is so cute!
Aww this is so cute!
Aww this is so cute!
I saw that same thing written on a bus stop sign in Vordorf, Germany! Kind of funny…
I saw that same thing written on a bus stop sign in Vordorf, Germany! Kind of funny…
I saw that same thing written on a bus stop sign in Vordorf, Germany! Kind of funny…
I saw that same thing written on a bus stop sign in Vordorf, Germany! Kind of funny…
Oh,and to clear things up on the translation issue, “Willst du mit mir gehen” means “Do you want to go out with me” not “Will you go out with me” Willst looks like will but it comes from the verb “Wollen” which is to want. If you wanted to say “Will you go out with me”, you would say, “Wirst du mit mir gehen?”
Oh,and to clear things up on the translation issue, “Willst du mit mir gehen” means “Do you want to go out with me” not “Will you go out with me” Willst looks like will but it comes from the verb “Wollen” which is to want. If you wanted to say “Will you go out with me”, you would say, “Wirst du mit mir gehen?”
Oh,and to clear things up on the translation issue, “Willst du mit mir gehen” means “Do you want to go out with me” not “Will you go out with me” Willst looks like will but it comes from the verb “Wollen” which is to want. If you wanted to say “Will you go out with me”, you would say, “Wirst du mit mir gehen?”
Oh,and to clear things up on the translation issue, “Willst du mit mir gehen” means “Do you want to go out with me” not “Will you go out with me” Willst looks like will but it comes from the verb “Wollen” which is to want. If you wanted to say “Will you go out with me”, you would say, “Wirst du mit mir gehen?”
That is rather adorable.
That is rather adorable.
That is rather adorable.
That is rather adorable.
Sooo cute..
and boys in elementary school often really give notes like that to girls here.. which even seemed a little strage to me when I was that age.. but I think the tattoo is just great… love it..
PS: yes… it should be “bitte sag ja”
and the translation of “Willst du mit mir gehen?” is “Do you want to be by girl/boy-friend?” people around here (I’m from Austria)
know “going out” (ausgehen) just as a romantic date but not necessarily just as a couple
Sooo cute..
and boys in elementary school often really give notes like that to girls here.. which even seemed a little strage to me when I was that age.. but I think the tattoo is just great… love it..
PS: yes… it should be “bitte sag ja”
and the translation of “Willst du mit mir gehen?” is “Do you want to be by girl/boy-friend?” people around here (I’m from Austria)
know “going out” (ausgehen) just as a romantic date but not necessarily just as a couple
Sooo cute..
and boys in elementary school often really give notes like that to girls here.. which even seemed a little strage to me when I was that age.. but I think the tattoo is just great… love it..
PS: yes… it should be “bitte sag ja”
and the translation of “Willst du mit mir gehen?” is “Do you want to be by girl/boy-friend?” people around here (I’m from Austria)
know “going out” (ausgehen) just as a romantic date but not necessarily just as a couple
Sooo cute..
and boys in elementary school often really give notes like that to girls here.. which even seemed a little strage to me when I was that age.. but I think the tattoo is just great… love it..
PS: yes… it should be “bitte sag ja”
and the translation of “Willst du mit mir gehen?” is “Do you want to be by girl/boy-friend?” people around here (I’m from Austria)
know “going out” (ausgehen) just as a romantic date but not necessarily just as a couple
oh, crap.. sorry, my girl/boy-friend not by, of course… 😉
oh, crap.. sorry, my girl/boy-friend not by, of course… 😉
oh, crap.. sorry, my girl/boy-friend not by, of course… 😉
oh, crap.. sorry, my girl/boy-friend not by, of course… 😉
Reminds of elementary school…
Reminds of elementary school…
Reminds of elementary school…
Reminds of elementary school…
..I want it…XD
..I want it…XD
..I want it…XD
..I want it…XD
Awww! My roommate and I had the exact same reaction at the exact same time.
Awww! My roommate and I had the exact same reaction at the exact same time.
Awww! My roommate and I had the exact same reaction at the exact same time.
Awww! My roommate and I had the exact same reaction at the exact same time.
AHHH! It made me think of Nena!
AHHH! It made me think of Nena!
AHHH! It made me think of Nena!
AHHH! It made me think of Nena!
im so in love with this!
im so in love with this!
im so in love with this!
im so in love with this!
well then what does velleicht mean?
well then what does velleicht mean?
well then what does velleicht mean?
well then what does velleicht mean?
Aww! Ich wuerde wahrscheinlich “ja” sagen !
ly: vielleicht means “maybe”
Aww! Ich wuerde wahrscheinlich “ja” sagen !
ly: vielleicht means “maybe”
Aww! Ich wuerde wahrscheinlich “ja” sagen !
ly: vielleicht means “maybe”
Aww! Ich wuerde wahrscheinlich “ja” sagen !
ly: vielleicht means “maybe”
warren/shannon you’re right !
warren/shannon you’re right !
warren/shannon you’re right !
warren/shannon you’re right !
If we are really precisly. “Willst du mit mir gehen” means “Do you want to go with me”. “Do you want to go OUT with me?” would be: “Willst du mit mir AUSgehen?”
But anyway it is cute.
If we are really precisly. “Willst du mit mir gehen” means “Do you want to go with me”. “Do you want to go OUT with me?” would be: “Willst du mit mir AUSgehen?”
But anyway it is cute.
If we are really precisly. “Willst du mit mir gehen” means “Do you want to go with me”. “Do you want to go OUT with me?” would be: “Willst du mit mir AUSgehen?”
But anyway it is cute.
If we are really precisly. “Willst du mit mir gehen” means “Do you want to go with me”. “Do you want to go OUT with me?” would be: “Willst du mit mir AUSgehen?”
But anyway it is cute.
ähm….NO 😉
ähm….NO 😉
ähm….NO 😉
ähm….NO 😉
@ly (#32): “vielleicht” means “maybe”. This so reminds me of elementary school, where we used to write this question on little shreds of notepaper and send it to the desired member of the opposite sex – anonymously :). Original and adorable idea, even the handwriting fits right in!
@ly (#32): “vielleicht” means “maybe”. This so reminds me of elementary school, where we used to write this question on little shreds of notepaper and send it to the desired member of the opposite sex – anonymously :). Original and adorable idea, even the handwriting fits right in!
@ly (#32): “vielleicht” means “maybe”. This so reminds me of elementary school, where we used to write this question on little shreds of notepaper and send it to the desired member of the opposite sex – anonymously :). Original and adorable idea, even the handwriting fits right in!
@ly (#32): “vielleicht” means “maybe”. This so reminds me of elementary school, where we used to write this question on little shreds of notepaper and send it to the desired member of the opposite sex – anonymously :). Original and adorable idea, even the handwriting fits right in!
ah, thanks for the translation
I don’t speak german (obviously). But in tearms of the whole “Will you go out with me” vs. “will you be my girlfiend” vs. “do you want to go out with me” or whatever, my french proffessor said something that, to me, makes a lot of sense.
He was explaining why no english would be spoken in the class, and said that French is “not coded English, that you can’t translate it word for word (unless it’s something simple like “table”).”
Idk if it applies to German, but the more French I learn, the more I realize that literal translation of sentences just dosn’t work.
ah, thanks for the translation
I don’t speak german (obviously). But in tearms of the whole “Will you go out with me” vs. “will you be my girlfiend” vs. “do you want to go out with me” or whatever, my french proffessor said something that, to me, makes a lot of sense.
He was explaining why no english would be spoken in the class, and said that French is “not coded English, that you can’t translate it word for word (unless it’s something simple like “table”).”
Idk if it applies to German, but the more French I learn, the more I realize that literal translation of sentences just dosn’t work.
ah, thanks for the translation
I don’t speak german (obviously). But in tearms of the whole “Will you go out with me” vs. “will you be my girlfiend” vs. “do you want to go out with me” or whatever, my french proffessor said something that, to me, makes a lot of sense.
He was explaining why no english would be spoken in the class, and said that French is “not coded English, that you can’t translate it word for word (unless it’s something simple like “table”).”
Idk if it applies to German, but the more French I learn, the more I realize that literal translation of sentences just dosn’t work.
ah, thanks for the translation
I don’t speak german (obviously). But in tearms of the whole “Will you go out with me” vs. “will you be my girlfiend” vs. “do you want to go out with me” or whatever, my french proffessor said something that, to me, makes a lot of sense.
He was explaining why no english would be spoken in the class, and said that French is “not coded English, that you can’t translate it word for word (unless it’s something simple like “table”).”
Idk if it applies to German, but the more French I learn, the more I realize that literal translation of sentences just dosn’t work.
oops i meant “can’t translate it word for word and have it make sense”.
oops i meant “can’t translate it word for word and have it make sense”.
oops i meant “can’t translate it word for word and have it make sense”.
oops i meant “can’t translate it word for word and have it make sense”.
i have a crush on thickly outlined tattoo work, i really like the aesthetic. and i am a german 2 student! go me!
i have a crush on thickly outlined tattoo work, i really like the aesthetic. and i am a german 2 student! go me!
i have a crush on thickly outlined tattoo work, i really like the aesthetic. and i am a german 2 student! go me!
i have a crush on thickly outlined tattoo work, i really like the aesthetic. and i am a german 2 student! go me!
I swear that’s from a children’s book I read in my high school German class, “Ben Liebt Anna”. But it’s also possible I’m an idiot who just happens to speak German…….
I swear that’s from a children’s book I read in my high school German class, “Ben Liebt Anna”. But it’s also possible I’m an idiot who just happens to speak German…….
I swear that’s from a children’s book I read in my high school German class, “Ben Liebt Anna”. But it’s also possible I’m an idiot who just happens to speak German…….
I swear that’s from a children’s book I read in my high school German class, “Ben Liebt Anna”. But it’s also possible I’m an idiot who just happens to speak German…….
Adorable! I love German ^_^.
Adorable! I love German ^_^.
Adorable! I love German ^_^.
Adorable! I love German ^_^.
[x] nur ficken
[x] nur ficken
[x] nur ficken
[x] nur ficken
haha..this one is awesome! ich liebe deutsch!
haha..this one is awesome! ich liebe deutsch!
haha..this one is awesome! ich liebe deutsch!
haha..this one is awesome! ich liebe deutsch!