Cat‘s mods, obtained on her various travels, include a seven month old belly scarification, a one month old arm scarification, various facial piercings, and four and a half year old sternum piercings. The piercings are all by Raphaelle of Magic Cirus in Paris (who’s since retired to the less invasive job of hair dresser), the belly scar is by Juan in Buenos Aires, and her arm was done by Miguel in Mexico City. She’s originally from France, now living in Buenos Aires, and as well as what you can see in the picture she has a couple tattoos that were done here in Canada. Of herarm scar she writes,
…it’s my Mayan kin of the Caminante del Cielo, the sky walker, the eternal wanderer.
and its good to have you back properly – comments are free to post now? I take it registration has been removed?
Yeah… thats a big pile of “yes” right there.
The girl as well as the mods were just freaking lovely. A big WOW from me.
Actually, Shannon, my belly scar is a traditional Argentine design from Catamarca – it’s the forearm that’s my kin.
Sorry Cat, just corrected it.
Archetype – Yes, we’re back to the old way of doing it, which I think is in part why we’ve seen much more active discussions.
Four and a half year old sternum piercings :O ! I’m jealous.
Beautiful girl.
nice cherie!!!
nice photoshoot btw
y ahora vives en bs as?
love u lots
YAY! photos had a good start
Esta presentacion de vos es como un dating service announcement, solo falta el “she likes long walks on the beach, her birth sign is *insert here* and is looking for a gorgeouse latino man hahaha
All in all I liked how both scars healed even though your tummy healed completly opposite of how i thought.
HAHAHA u have tattoos done in Canada? o_0
yeah my finger and my lip.. ya ya i know i’m not covered but still, i gots some! albeit tiny.
Really nice, I like your hair!
i love your hair just as much as your mods
Lovely work, beautiful girl.
I’m usually not a fan of cheek piercings but they look really good on her!
its always so easy to spot French women, theyce such a unique sense of style and fashion
cat, i looked at your page, the other day. it’s so interesting how you just travel like you do!
Travel Mods! I personally think its one of the best and most meaningful times to shape your temple. Gorgeous girl.
awesome dreds
woah…she is gorgeous!!!
really nice. could do without the cheek peircings though… hehe.
the scar looks really cool.
Very pretty (both the mods and the girl). ^_^
all hoops has to say on this matter is every aspect of this girl is attractive
comments?Well i have to say the girl is absolutely gorgeous,the eyes,her sultry look and the scars?I tend to overlook them because I love what’s inside and what’s not to love?her beauty,her intellect,her talent to write and the adventurous soul that lives within.I love her cuz she’s my baby!!Much Love MOM
you are sooooooooooo prettttttyyyyyy I almost forgot it’s been so long
And your arm and belly are very nice btw
I love Cat’s mother comment.
haha, hermanita, it was just a matter of time… my hottie little sister… love you!
Malicia, me too
She really suits them, and has lovely eyes
Mmmm… *drools*
Pretty pretty.
mon dieu, cela cest etrange, je sui sia, je tes rencontrer cette ete a creston, le gar noir avec les dreds et plein de piercing, on etait sur la petite coline de gazon deriere le centre d’information de creston, epuis je tes vue au canyon(riviere) un jour. je voulais juste voire si tu me raplait. je vie en vancouver maintenent, ou est ce que tu est rendue?
I adore the cheeks, they look awesome on her ^^
sia! biensur je me rappelle de toi! putain comment ca va mec, t as reussi a trouver dla job en fin de compte? moi je suis a buenos aires maintenant… envoie moi un mail un de c 4, eurotrashed at gmail dot com
anyone knows where to get one of those in barcelona???
as always, you look tremendous. come back to montreal, bella, and i’ll put some more ink in you. it’s about time again, hm?
well you are so beautifull and i like your style but…allons enfant de la patrieeeeeeeeieuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, ouai c’étais juste histoire de faire le con, t’as vachement maigrit quand même, faut vraiment que j’arrête de boire. Pfffffff
So what does the belly scar stand for do you know?
it´s a snake from a northern argentine tribe